trunk chop

  1. cole morton

    Acer Palmatum material find

    I found this maple on a local classifieds website for $35. It seemed like too good an opportunity to pass up. I have never done a trunk chop before, but I think that is what this needs to get some taper going. This tree is also in urgent need of a repotting as the soil is quite poor, and there...
  2. H

    Bur Oak chop and collection

    Hello! I'm in eastern Iowa (5b) and have three Bur Oaks in a fence row I want to collect (pics tonight). First I want to try the 3-4" trunk, which has been pruned in past years about 2' high and is growing through a fence (I like the scars from the wire). Everything I find says chop and dig...
  3. Saddler

    How to cut off branches to get a nice heal over?

    I am looking for a resource that describes in detail how each species should have a branch cut off to get a nice smooth heal over. It seems that each species has different needs on how to make a fast smooth heal on major cuts and then the particular situation warrants a variation such as a...
  4. K

    Can i trunk chop a bare root flowering cherry? Has started to leaf out and has blossoms

    Local club was selling bareroot flowering cherry trees fairly cheap, 8 bucks for trees about 10 feet tall, 1"-2" diameter trunks. They are grafted onto bases with diameters of about 4". They have already leafed out, and have blossoms, and have no branches on the lower 2-3 feet of trunk. My...
  5. Grant Hamby

    Cut-Below-The-Graft Experiment

    I'm sure this has been done many times, but here's the idea: I got a couple weird Japanese maple varieties on clearance at a garden center. Both were grafted and both had long whips of the rootstock extending just below the graft. Last year I cut them below the graft so that the long whip...
  6. D

    Cork Oak Trunk Chop

    Looking to acquire a cork oak and have several options available. All options would require a trunk chop. Looking for advice on what would be best time of year to complete and any limitations on trunk size or any other precautions I should be aware of.
  7. hemmy

    Trident Chop Advice : This one got away from me a little

    Here's a trident that's been in the ground since spring 2014. I was envisioning a smaller tree (2-3" dia) with a more naturalistic canopy, but it's really starting to get top heavy where all the branches join. I probably should have removed a branch or 2 last year but was getting greedy on...
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