
  1. Apex37

    Caleb’s Tree Thread Progression

    I feel like most of my posts are questions on issues with my trees. It’s been a rough year between having an incredibly hot summer, watering issues, pest issues, etc. I thought I’d make a thread and continue updating trees that I’ve been working on that are actually doing well. Lol
  2. SmallTreeGuy

    Choosing the front/styling

    Hello everyone, I’m having a rather difficult time choosing a front on this Juniper. It has a beautiful curved trunk and great taper. I also need a little help choosing which branches to trim and which to keep. I was thinking about a possible a semi cascade with it by repositioning the tree...
  3. S

    Another shimapku - first real styling

    Another of my twisted trunk shimpaku. I've been tempted to do something with this one for several years now but I've been disciplined and held off doing much to this one in an attempt to allow trunk to thicken. Several large sacrifice branches encouraged for a number of years. Here's what I...
  4. LunaticTree

    Pinus Cembra

    Hello, I wanted to update you all on my little Nurserystock I so happened to get the last few years! I got my hands on a few Pinus Cembra from a local nursery that gives them away for 10€ each. Was hard to resist not to get all of them! So I picked a few that I liked and let them stay in the...
  5. Apex37

    Styling Advice for Tiger Bark Ficus

    So little back story on this tree: This mallsai was originally gifted to me by my mother-in-law about 3 years back. I had a little interest in bonsai at the time, but definitely not seriously learning up or anything. Last year I started deciding to become serious with bonsai and after she...
  6. Deep Sea Diver

    Yamadori Mt Hemlock (Tsuga mertensiana) No. 2 The Circular Raft… or is it The Clump?

    This is the second high alpine yamadori Mt Hemlock we acquired today. It‘s ”subtrunks” seem to emanate from one central trunk. Will need some excavation to confirm this WAG. The tallest tree is about 35” and the entire group comes up at an angle. Looks like it was growing on a mountain side...
  7. brennobonsai

    Citrus mame bonsai development thread.

    I decided to start my first bonsai development progress thread. It's going to be a mame probably. I got the seedling as a gift from my grandmother and decided to wire it up to see if it turned into something good. Here are some pictures from less than a week when I planted it in a plastic pot...
  8. E

    Bald Cypruss/Ahuehuete styling question

    Hello, I have an Ahuehuete, or Sabino here in Mexico. It is the same species as the Bald Cyphress, Taxodium distichum, but found here in Mexico. It is in fact the national tree. I bought a very big tree from a nursery here in Mexico and it has this big empty space and unappealing root. Anyone...
  9. Apex37

    Bonsai Releaf - Japanese Larch

    Just wanted to share the latest video by Bonsai Releaf. This guy has some of the best bonsai videos I've ever seen. Between his vision, the editing, and the music selection, it inspires me to want to work on my trees and learn more. My only wish was that he had more videos, but with the editing...
  10. El Triminator

    My 2nd Juniper - Looking for Some Inputs on Styling :]

    Hey everybody, Very new to this hobby, but am not stranger to cacti and houseplants. Found this at a SoCal big box store and grabbed it since they're not really all over. I made my first simple bonsai with a small nana and it looks very cliché, so already looking for more. Got some wire today...
  11. Kodama

    Yew - First Initial Styling

    Just recently finished the 1st initial structure styling of this Yew. Here's a before and after. I know it's really basic and needs trimmed and detail wiring but that can wait. Thinking I should let it recover all next year and do repot in 23. It was a learning experience for sure. Definitely...
  12. Bonsaiish

    Styling a Senegalia (acacia) burkei - advice needed

    Hi all! First time poster here… I bought a black monkey thorn from a nursery 10 days ago. The tree was in dire need of some TLC so I decided it should come home with me. (When my husband saw it, he said it’s the ugliest thing he’s ever seen). I repotted it in a plastic container with bonsai...
  13. JuniperSol

    Tall Escambron Styling - Literati? Informal Upright?

    So I recently purchased this rather large Escambron that was collected from Puerto Rico about 8+ years ago from a gentleman in Florida. I do really like it (even if it doesn't follow the rules of Bonsai all the way), but could use some styling advice. I have gone ahead and started on some of the...
  14. Koenye

    Scots Pine - After care

    Hi everyone, I just gave this pine a first styling. I’m quite new to pine trees. Can you guys give me tips about aftercare? so: fertilize? Sun? Water? Etc. thanks a lot!
  15. JuniperSol

    Escambron Styling Assistance

    I have this Escambron I recently got from Puerto Rico and could use some advice. I like the general shape of the tree, but I think it could be better. My biggest issue is the main lowest branch as it just seems like a jumbled mess with the primary branch being too long and not bendable. Thoughts...
  16. pstaboche

    Juniperus squamata styling advice

    New to bonsai and nervous about removing large branches. The first picture shows the slight S bend I'd like to use as the front but there's a branch (1) near the top that may detract from the trunk line. My bigger problem is the lower branches. I can't decide which ones to keep! Second picture...
  17. Trigobontree

    I think I’m Bonsaing wrong, but it feels so “right”

    Hello everyone! I know that one of the biggest beginner mistakes is over styling trees. So I haven’t styled too much yet, but from what I have done, I don’t think I’m doing it the “correct” way. But I’m ok with that. I’m trying to follow the rules, but for the most part I’m just trimming and...
  18. QuantumSparky

    Chopping Trunk in Stages

    I recently chopped a new maple a few inches above the final chop location. I've heard from videos and the forum that it's common to do a rough chop first, wait a year, and then do the final chop at the angle you want and (usually) pretty close to your selected new leader. Does chopping in...
  19. LeftHandLuke

    Favorite Material That Keeps You Busy (and Happy) During the Growing Season

    Here’s a general conversation starter for this evening: What’s your favorite tree when it comes to an abundance of growth/branching/ramification/taper/root flare options during a single growing season? I’m not talking about shortcuts or looking for something that grows fast (and dies fast), so...
  20. Yo Mango

    Styling suggestions for Xylosma bahamensis

    Hello, my Xylosma bahamensis is about to go into its new pot here soon, getting rewired, and pruned. I was looking for opinions regarding styling it, as I am struggling on the lower left branches and the canopy. Any thoughts? Open to suggestions.
  21. JuniperSol

    Recently Styled my Juniper, thoughts and advice? I'm still learning

    Today I purchased a Juniper from a local nursery garden and fell in love with its movement. After some pretty hard pruning and a bit of wiring, I managed to get this unique shape and movement. Some Redditors have recommended that I prune it back more, which I agree with but am unsure as to how...
  22. K

    Multi-trunk Japanese Maple 'Little Princess'

    Hey everyone!👋 I thought I would make a poll to determine the best possible front/style for this Acer Palmatum 'Little Princess' I got for 60€ from a local nursery! Since I'm very new to bonsai, I'm not entirely sure if it's the best bonsai material, but the nebari seemed promising and the...
  23. B

    Tri Maple advice

    Looking for some opinions on this little guy I picked up this winter. It's got this big ugly knot on top and the branches are less than ideal. Its got a great and base tho! Thought I would get some opinions before I proceed. Chop most the top off or work with what is there?
  24. BeneficialCucumber

    Opinion and Help for new Juniperus Chinensis Pre-Bonsai

    Hello everyone! I'm new to Bonsai and I need help with my first Pre-Bonsai, I've only been shaping 2 year old trees until now. The tree is a 20cm (about 7.8 inches) 17 year old Juniperus Chinensis. I know the bonsai styling choices are very personal, so I'd like to ask what the first thing that...
  25. First Styling

    First Styling

    Here she is after her first styling in the early fall of 2020. It took me three days but I'm really happy with the results. This was my first time using copper wire (thanks Mirai!)
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