
  1. Bad_Bonsai

    My 3 year old Alberta Spruce.

    This is my Dwarf Spruce I made from nursury stock. It was one of the first trees that survived my ever evolving overwintering process. I reppotted it into this in early spring, and cut the wire off today. My intention is to leave it be now for the next year, maybe more, and proceed with further...
  2. L

    Picea crassifolia

    Hi, I do love spruces. Does they suit good into bonsaï ? And remain healthy ? Anyone Care Picea crassifolia ? Thanks for your informations
  3. James W.

    Black Hills Spruce nursery stock

    I bought a potted Black Hills Spruce (Picea glauca var. densata) from Lowes last weekend. It appears to have been dug recently and just dropped into a pot. The soil is fine sand/silt and washes away easily (and weighs like it is solid rock). Can I re-pot this tree into good bonsai mix now? or...
  4. D

    Birds Nest Spruce troubleshooting

    Hey all So I was interested in some thoughts re my Birds Nest spruce bonsai. I bought this tree about 1.5 yrs ago in the PNW, it's been in Southern CA since that time. Last year the tree did really well until this spring when the needles tended to get brownish spots, which subsequently seemed...
  5. vonklutch

    My poor trees.

    Hi everyone, new here, new in general I like what you've done with the place. I am the owner of two very sad little trees who have suffered a mix of abuse, and I'm trying to help them pull through. Long story short, my wife and I recently purchased a house in the country and in our first year...
  6. T

    3rd tree, Norway "Little Gem" Weeper Progression from Nursery Stock, Any Advice, Criticism or Comments are Welcome

    Hi, I am new to bonsai. I have bought 4 trees so far from the nursery. This is my most recent. Nothing too exciting but its my only tree that looks like a tree right now haha. Let me know what you all think. I may also post pictures of my Boxwood, Hot Wings (Tartarian) Maple and Wells Weeper...
  7. hemi71cuda

    Ezo Spruce cuttings

    My friend gave me an ezo spruce this summer because I’d been talking about taking cuttings and trying to propagate more for the future. I’m lucky enough to have started bonsai relatively young(30’s) so this is a project I’ll be able to see through. I recently completed my first attempt and took...
  8. TrunkTickler

    Nursery Stock to Bonsai, Order of Steps

    Hello bnuts, I've been in the deep end of the bonsai world for a couple of years now and I'm still confused on what the general steps should be from going from nursery stock to bonsai? My general question is, should the roots be worked/reduced first or the foliage worked/styled first? Is it...
  9. B


    Hello there fellow Bonsai enthusiasts! My name is Nathan and I'm new to the community. I've posted once already but figured I would give my background on bonsai and ask for some oponions/advice. I've been interested and studying Bonsai off and on now for about 15 years so I already understand...
  10. B

    Starting on my 3rd Bonsai HELP

    So I'm giving a go on my 3rd bonsai and I'm not really sure what to do with it. It's a Dwarf Alberta Spruce. I cut some branches away including dead branches and small branches. Not sure what to do with the top yet. Any ideas? Image examples help a lot! Thanks!
  11. Wilson

    Junk in my clump! Poor mans counterfeit Ezo.

    I have always loved the clump bonsai, and when I saw the potential in this one I grabbed it. @MACH5 has shared some beauty clumps, and Michael Hagedorn's mt.hemlock clumps are a favourite of mine. I also love the images of ezo spruce, but will most likely never be able to buy one, so this...
  12. B

    Picea Abies dying

    Been growing without issues until recently. Don't know why. Watered 1 - 2 time daily. Any help is appreciated.
  13. Cosmos

    Collected red spruce (picea rubens) - repotting question

    I collected this small tree last October in Nova Scotia, under a power line. As you can guess from the first picture, collection was quite easy as the tree was growing precariously in clay-like sandy soil. I only had to cut about 3-4 longer roots to dislodge it, so I got almost a perfectly...
  14. WesternGrower

    Spruce Backbudding

    Well it would appear that I've managed to get my Blue Spruce to backbud, but only on one branch. Its worth noting, I didnt do anything special and I wasnt trying to get it backbud either. Do you think these buds will mature and open up this season? I see smaller buds forming on the hardened off...
  15. Saddler

    Picea Glauca Yamadori test tree.

    I was up north last week transporting an RV back to Vancouver and wanted to collect a few yamadori in various places along the back to test the conditions they were growing in for a future collecting excursion. I found one place that had some amazing trees. Dozens and dozens of trees worth...
  16. palagaban

    i have been biten by the bonsai bug last year and this is the results

    Treeeeeeessssss!!!!!!! hehehehehe its been a nice day today and the sun has finally came out to play... so me and my little assistent took the chance to water our little trees... hope everybody has a nice day... wifey is preparing some sushi for our dinner.... hehehehehe bonsai and sushi...
  17. Waltron

    Collected Spruce and Larch, my first attempt at group plantings

    http://imgur.com/a/85lot what do you guys think?
  18. M

    Pruning/wiring ideas?

    Went to home depot today and bought a alberta spruce. It cost about $9. I began to prune and thin it out a bit but not sure where to go from here. I figured it would be a good chance to practice some pruning and wiring techniques and I won't be too upset if I end up killing it or it looks...
  19. barrosinc

    future picea forrest

    So I bought 5 piceas I want to make a forest on a slab some day. Probably 3 years from now as the trees aren't the healthiest. 1 and 5 being like half the size of 4 and 5, and 2 being in between 1. This is kinda the order I am thinking by now... but can change in time. Plan: fall year 1...
  20. base797

    First bonsai pot for semi cascade spruce

    Engelmann spruce, ollected in 2011, initial styling last spring. Was in an Anderson flat earlier today. Noticed a very healthy root system and lots of mycorrhizae. Not the final pot and would appreciate any thoughts, virts, advice on a final pot in a couple years. All thoughts welcome. Caliper...
  21. base797

    Smallish formal spruce

    Odd that I am posting formal trees seeing as I only have a few. This one has a caliper of 3.5 inches and a height of 28". It was collected 4 years ago and got the bones set last year. No detail wiring till late summer/early fall. It came out of a mixing tub a couple weeks ago and into a training...
  22. base797

    Engelmann spruce- What would you do?

    So I collected this spruce several years ago from the high country in Colorado. Trunk caliper is a little over 6 inches. Late last summer I gave it an initial styling, extra foliage was retained for health and no detail wiring. At the time I considered a jin for the top front branch that would...
  23. Picea Glauca

    Picea Glauca

    White Spruce
  24. Black Hills Spruce - Yellow Mountains

    Black Hills Spruce - Yellow Mountains

  25. Colorado Blue Spruce

    Colorado Blue Spruce

    Collected 400 year old Colorado Blue Spruce
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