
  1. M

    Crepe Myrtle: Potential or No Potential?

    Hi all, In our landscape, there was this crepe myrtle that my parents wanted to get rid of and I figured: why not use it for bonsai. I am relatively new to bonsai and would like to know if this is usable material. The leaves on this variety are very small and glossy and the flowers are red...
  2. Grovic

    Itoigawa juniper repot?

    Hey guys, I just got this Itoigawa juniper prebonsai from I plan to let it grow for a few years, but the nursery pot has to go, I live in an apartment so growing in the ground is not an option, so I have a some questions: A) Should I do root work and repot into a new...
  3. Bonsai Buddy

    When to water a Cork Jade after a repot and defoliation.

    Hi all! I just repotted my cork bark jade for the first time today. I had grown it indoors for a good while but decided to transfer it outside about a week and a half ago. To my astonishment after two days the poor thing looked terrible and had dropped a bunch of petals. Some looked kinda...
  4. Bad_Bonsai

    Initial collection of a Nana Juniper - Looking for advice.

    Hello, My wife has given me the go-ahead to change up the front lawn this spring, So I now have two sizable Juniper to work with and I'm really excited. They were on opposite sides of our south-facing home and show slightly different growth patterns. The one on the easternmost side grew kind of...
  5. Clorgan

    First repot...

    So as the title says, I attempted my first repot! It was... Interesting? Hopefully the photos show the events of this process. Definitely found it pretty difficult! The roots were hard work to say the least. Tried to do the board method, no idea how worthwhile my efforts were. Roots are none...
  6. Harewood Hobbyist

    Rerepotting "yamadori" Douglas Fir?

    I've recently decided to "do bonsai" which for me means kind of jumping in. There was some raod work near me in January and February and I dug up 17 small tho pleasingly gnarly Doug Firs that were in the path of the work. For the most part they had good feeder roots and because of the...
  7. Sir_Nixon

    Japanese larch repotting question

    I have a Japanese larch that has opened its buds earlier than my other trees over the past few weeks. Is it too late to repot? Just waiting on a delivery to repot this into a bigger grow box. Thanks for your advice
  8. E

    Ficus Akadama Repot Leaf Drop

    Hello, I repot my Ficus Retusa on Saturday (20th), going from a pretty decent nursary soil to an Akadama/lava rock mix. Soil choice where I live (Switzerland) is pretty limited, so I went for this house blend from a good shop. I went for the Akadama mix in the end as also an experiment, just to...
  9. Kidkidsupreme

    Malus Domestica: Repotting and styling advice

    Hi all, This is my first post here. I managed to buy this Malus Domestica for just €20,- through a Dutch webshop (happy to share a link if it's allowed). As this is my first pre-bonsai to bonsai project, I seek for some advice. Attached you can find two pictures of what I could consider the...
  10. Grovic

    Ficus microcarpa one year progression

    Hello, This is the first tree I bought in April 2019 from a local nursery: In June 2019, I pruned and wired the tree: Some weeks after: October 2019: Two weeks ago I decided to repot it, I was wondering why the trunk didn't get any thicker even though the first branch was allowed to...
  11. Syltis

    Advice going forward with a new Picea Abies (Norway Spruce)

    Hi! I am fairly new to bonsai and to this forum. I am loving the hobby though, so I'm mostly working on getting more trees to put my hands on. I recently went looking through nurseries for Norway Spruce (Picea Abies) and this was the only one I found. I wanted a more developed tree I could...
  12. Fl_bonsai

    Portulacaria afra repot !

    So today was the day I finally got around to something I have been putting off for awhile. It was definitely time for this jade to get a decent pot . So that led me to dragon tree to pick out a pot! If Anyone Is in mid to south east Florida should know about place , Robert was extremely helpful...
  13. Minnesota Madman

    Maintenance/History/Photo Journal App

    HI everybody. I was at a bonsai auction this fall and bumped into somebody I had recently purchased a tree from. I asked him how he wintered the tree and he whipped out his smartphone and had an extensive list of all his trees with critical data such as wintering needs, hardiness zones, history...
  14. Storm87

    Nursery stock juniper - slip pot in larger basket or not?

    Hi all, Just bought my first juniper form nursery stock (great discounts at this time of year!). I was wondering if I could slip pot it now (mid October, zone 8a) in a lager basket with bonsai soil. I'm planing to let this one row for a couple of years. See also the attached photo. Thx!
  15. Minas

    Juniper care after repotting

    Hello, my friends, I just got two junipers (Juniperus horizontalis and Juniperus chinensis) and I had to repot them due to inappropriate soil. I was wondering how to process in the next days. Should I protect them from direct sunlight?
  16. Clicio

    Red Pine-Repot or wait little longer?

    Well, I have this JRP cascade that is sitting in this pot for too long. I got it two years ago, the original soil was a mix with mostly Akadama and now it is draining very badly. I guess there are two problems, the old packed Akadama + being root bound, so the needles are showing yellowing tips...
  17. ConorDash

    Repotting seedlings

    Hello, I have 5 Wisteria seedlings, coming up to 2 years old now, they have just started showing signs of growth this year (always little anxious to see that first growth, my first seeds). They are currently planted in good size containers but garden soil, heavy organic nursery soil. I...
  18. L

    Awkward bougainvillea re-pot

    Spring is upon us here in Florida so I decided to redesign one of my bougainvilleas. I collected it from the landscape two years ago and it looked like this before today (with more foliage): I didn’t like all the commotion going on up top, too cluttered I thought. Didn’t want to bother with a...
  19. backroadstraveler

    Coastal Redwood Questions

    I asked Brian Underwood the following earlier. I also wanted to post this message, to you see what you all had to say, so that it may help others who have similar questions. I haven't found a lot out there on Coastal Redwoods, so any help would be greatly appreciated. Here is what I asked him...
  20. BeebsBonsai

    White Oak repotted- full sun or shade?

    Hey fellow nuts, A coworker brought in a white oak saplig for me today and i repotted it. Had to, i know i know its not good to do this time of year, but he dug it up out of his yard and the tree was in the slimiest, thickest clay ive ever seen. I had to dig around it within the pot to...
  21. backroadstraveler

    When To Repot An Azalea After Flowering

    I originally posed this question to @Giga. He gave me great information, but then suggested that I start a thread. So here is my question I posed to him. The red azalea I bought from you is really doing well. It had beautiful red flowers all over it. The last flower is about to fade away...
  22. PeaceLoveBonsai

    Shohin Japanese Quince Project

    Short story, long. I received a pretty nice Japanese quince from @Stickroot over the xmas holiday. Before I go screwing that one up, I thought I'd try to work with a similar, but smaller JQ. So I recently picked up this little guy for about $7.00. I've read/researched that they can take...
  23. ColinFraser

    Fun Little Ginkgo Progression

    Just a little tree I've been screwing around with for a while - nothing amazing, but its been fun so far. Here are a couple of teasers while I find the 2014 photos . . .
  24. O

    Help!! Do I need to do something for my ficus?

    I was looking at my ficus today, when I noticed a new root that I had never noticed before. It's coming up from the soil and then going back down on the other side of the pot, see the picture. Is this a sign that my tree is becoming root bound? I repotted it Spring 2015, and was planning on...
  25. JoeyBon

    Chinese Elm need help!

    This is my first post, first bonsai. I have a ~5 year old Chinese Elm from Eastern Leaf. When I bought it last Spring, I almost immediately repotted from nursery soil to a 100% inorganic akadama/lava mix. The tree did very well last summer and only lost about half of its foliage into the winter...
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