
  1. B

    Brazilian Rain Tree questions

    Hi, I got this Brazilian Rain Tree cutting a little more than a year ago thanks to @leatherback . It was a rocky start as it got stuck at the post office for 2 extra weeks and when I received it, all leaves were gone. This tree is does not seem to be possible to buy here in Sweden so I felt very...
  2. Sticks 'n' Triangles

    Pyracantha and General Pruning and Removing Flowers/Berries For Growing-on

    I recently bought this young nursery pyracantha 'teton' as I thought it had an interesting trunk line, nice tight foliage/nodes and good sacrificial branches. I plan to hard prune in spring/summer, to reduce the potential inverse taper points, then allow to grow on for a few years either in a...
  3. D

    Newbie, Japanese red maple repot 🍁

    This is my first maple repot from nursery pot to bonsai pot with pruning on top and bottom. Any suggestions or recommendations of care after repotting? Couple of them I learned and following, 1. Do not over water 2. Do not add fertilizer at least for a month 3. Avoid direct sunlight for at...
  4. Apex37

    Experience with Pruning Burning Bush

    Just curious other's experiences with this species. I have one I got from HD some time back that I'm planning on repotting and doing some pruning once spring starts up (usually here it's best the last week of Feb or first 2 weeks of March). Interested to hear about how well they back bud and...
  5. Ben1124

    Dwarf jade in recovery - need help!

    Hello Bonsai Nut community! I bought a Portulacaria Afra from Brussel's about 5 months ago and need some help reviving it. I started getting into bonsai about 5 years ago and this is my first Port. As usual, the nursery soil was a bit too water retentive so I've tried to be very careful with...
  6. KleinM

    Neglected Ficus Natalensis

    Hi guys! So I have this Natal ficus and it was severely neglected. No pruning or repotting has been done to it in over 10 years or so. It was very pot bound in a small circular pot (the surface roots are hardened of in a circular pattern) and was potted into its current pot at the beginning of...
  7. Antrox

    Portulacaria Afra - repotting and hardcutting

    Hello all, I have a 10/12-year-old portulacaria that needs some work. It is very vigorous and healthy. I am planning to check the roots, pruning them if necessary, and repositioning the trunk that now it is too lean. On top of that, I would like to remove a couple of massive branches that grew...
  8. Astrobonsai

    Shaping a Nana Juniper

    I have been working with bonsai for about a year and a half, so I am familiar with many of the basic ideas of how to trim and shape trees. However, this last year got away from me with this juniper, these runners kept growing and at first I was going to move this tree into a training pot, but...
  9. Apex37

    Too Late to Prune Bougainvillea

    I think I already know the answer to this, but I've been growing this bougainvillea out like crazy with no pruning and realized I forgot it amongst all my other plants on trimming it back in summer. Is it too late to prune hard? My need to prune is I'm worried I won't have space for it when I...
  10. Apex37

    Pruning Tips

    I was curious what the usual course of action is when you have a branch that only has a downward or upward growing branch. This is for a crepe myrtle, as I'm sure this might be handled based on species and how well they backbud. I know this is usually not ideal and these branches are removed...
  11. pstaboche

    Juniperus squamata styling advice

    New to bonsai and nervous about removing large branches. The first picture shows the slight S bend I'd like to use as the front but there's a branch (1) near the top that may detract from the trunk line. My bigger problem is the lower branches. I can't decide which ones to keep! Second picture...
  12. B

    Starting a Bodhi tree (Ficus religiosa) that has overgrown on one side

    This is a 2-3 year old Bodhi tree grown from a cutting. So far I have let it grow naturally but due to overgrowth on one side it is definitely time to start pruning/wiring etc. It will be my first time doing so, so really keen to get advice. The overgrown branch was hanging down and getting...
  13. S

    Early winter maintenance - maples

    While many of you are enjoying spring and all the things that go with it we are now in late Autumn. The leaves have dropped off the maples so I've started the annual winter pruning. These are all older well ramified trident maples so I concentrate on removing long internodes, thinning new shoots...
  14. JuniperMasterRace

    Season to take Chinese Elm, Gingko, and Bakd Cypress cuttings?

    Title. I’m letting my trees go wild and run, it’s been about 2 months of vigorous growth (see Imgur link). I’m concerned I’m missing out on ramification and refinement just for a couple dozen cuttings. I took a few cuttings in January right before spring and they look like they are going to...
  15. JuniperSol

    Recently Styled my Juniper, thoughts and advice? I'm still learning

    Today I purchased a Juniper from a local nursery garden and fell in love with its movement. After some pretty hard pruning and a bit of wiring, I managed to get this unique shape and movement. Some Redditors have recommended that I prune it back more, which I agree with but am unsure as to how...
  16. Hallen1997

    Top of jade - pruning advice.

    looking for advice on what to do with the top. maybe cut and let grow thinner for taper or just let branch out? Yes I’m aware of the poor wiring situation. I’ll fix it later. Thanks for any help!
  17. Kidkidsupreme

    Malus Domestica: Repotting and styling advice

    Hi all, This is my first post here. I managed to buy this Malus Domestica for just €20,- through a Dutch webshop (happy to share a link if it's allowed). As this is my first pre-bonsai to bonsai project, I seek for some advice. Attached you can find two pictures of what I could consider the...
  18. K

    Maintenance pruning

    So, I'm looking for some basic advice on pruning. I'm a beginner. First, I've looked at many videos online and even read a book I have on bonsai, but most of the advice on pruning out there seems to be what to do when the plant is really wildly grown and how to bring it down to a more...
  19. P

    My First Tree

    Hello everyone, I just got my first ever bonsai tree yesterday. Looking for advice and recommendation regarding my new tree. Got it as a bonsai carmona. Thanks :)
  20. J

    Seeking Help planning/shaping Hawaiian Umbrella Tree

    Hello all, I'm still very new to bonsai, and shaping a tree is something I just do not understand yet. I found some very helpful sources on this site for basic shaping (ie a triangle of foliage), but I guess I'm not very imaginative. I have this Hawaiian Umbrella Bonsai that's more of a...
  21. Clicio

    Avoid bleeding Maples at repotting and pruning times.

    According to Peter Adam's book on maples, if correctly done, the feared bleeding in early Spring or late Summer will be minimum on Palmatums and Buergerianums. There is a watering variable when repotting and/or hard pruning the tree that avoids or at least lessens the issue. Excerpt from the...
  22. A

    Pruning Japanese Holly

    Hi all Ive had my Japanese Holly for about 4 months now and was given to me with lots of dense growth and leaves. It's been growing lots of new shoots in summer and I've come to pruning. It's now dropped a lot of its leaves in the past week and has revealed a totally Criss cross of branches...
  23. P

    Trim to one main branch? (New to Bonsai!)

    Hi all! I'm very new to the world of Bonsai trees and have today purchased my first one, which is a Japanese Holly. After watching a few videos on how you go about pruning/wiring/caring etc, I'm left with the question of whether or not I'd trim one of the main branches near the base? It seems...
  24. rollwithak

    Juniper Procumbens Nana - Pruning Advice

    To Whom Wishes to Advise: I am going to do a little bit of trimming on this lil guy and was hoping someone could steer me in the right direction as far as what I should be looking for while I thin this guy out? I just want to take a little bit off as it’s gotten quite bushy this growing...
  25. F

    Ginseng ficus from ikea!

    so I thought it would be a good idea, with absolutely no idea what I am doing to try to de foliate and trim my woody bits! I’m hoping I haven’t just killed it, but do you think I need to do anymore? I’m struggling with the woody bits! My aim is to just have a thick bushy tree but I have very...
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