
  1. BeebsBonsai

    White needles on entire jbp

    Hey all, Its been a while since ive posted. Been busy with work and buying a new home. We have been having an ungodly spring here in chicago. Its more like winter 2 Anyway, i brought my jbp outside about two weeks ago, and the needles seemed a bit pale, but nothing too bad considering...
  2. Dragon60

    What to do next with this pine tree?

    I found this pine tree growing in my parent's yard by a shed 5 years ago. I let it grow a couple years where it was and then put it in a gallon plastic pot. I only watered it once, left it in the same spot, and then forgot about it. Occasionally when I went there I would notice that it was still...
  3. Forest Bean

    Collected pine seedlings

    Hello nuts, I collected these three pine seedlings while I was out. I got them in the state of Maryland. They have 4-5 needles in each fascicle. The only 5-needle pine I know that is native to my area is Pinus strobus the Eastern white pine. Here is a photo of a Pinus strobus seedling I...
  4. P

    Pinus Mugo Tyrolean

    Hello everyone, I am new to bonsai and purchased my first tree earlier this month, the tree I purchased is a mugo. I grew up caring for plants and gardening, however this is my first attempt at growing a tree. I've always admired the artistic side of bonsai, allowing for the mixture of nature...
  5. Cerauno

    Alpine species: Indoor or Outdoor?

    I live in Montana, USA, in the Northern Rocky Mountains. I've been attempting to grow three seedlings which I took out of the "wild" (if you can call around my neighborhood wild), all of which are native subalpine/alpine trees. I have two Rocky Mountain Maple babies, and a tiny Douglas fir. I...
  6. K

    When to air layer?

    So I have some large pines in my tree as well as what I think is a maple which is right up against the house so it will definitely have to be taken out at some point but I was wondering when should I try to air layer it? I’ve never done it before but figured it would be a good time to try...
  7. Clicio

    JBP trunk chop best timing?

    Well, I have this young JBP I have successfully reppoted early spring, AND decandled two weeks ago (it's summer in Brazil now). It is growing strongly fertilized with BioGold, new shoots everywhere, but.... Its destiny is to be chopped low down the main trunk and letting a strong first branch...
  8. S

    New to the game and I have a few questions.. please help =)

    How is everybody doing! I just recently got my hands on some plants and i'm trying to make them bonsai. the first one is a pine tree, that's about 5 ft tall. What are the best steps if I can do it?
  9. Samuel Ross

    Samuel Ross's Black Pine Contest Thread

    I have ordered a quarter pound from FW Schumacher and 500 seeds from I will post pictures when they arrive.
  10. markyscott

    Shohin black pine from seed

    Here’s a 10 year old seedling cutting I purchased from the grower about a year ago: It has a very nice twist near the base and I was motivated to build a shohin black pine from this tree. Issue is that the branches aren’t low enough to pull off a shohin. It’ll need a key branch at the...
  11. Robert Vaida

    Japanese Black Pine seeds stratification

    Hello everyone I bought last week some Pinus Thunbergii (Japanese black pine) seeds. On the instructions says that I have to do a cold stratification of 2 months and plant them in spring. I assume it is a little bit too early to begin with the stratification now.... so what should I do with the...
  12. syon_r

    What is this problem with my Mugo Pine?

    I got this mugo pine in early summer and haven’t really touched it except for raising its level in the pot. I have noticed that some of it’s needles turn brown at the ends. I am guessing it is a fungus so I will start spraying with fungicides in spring along with my Japanese Black Pine, but does...
  13. syon_r

    Do systemic fungicides harm black pine mycorrhizae?

    I was planning to treat one of my Japanese black pines with bonide infuse, (a systemic fungicide) to treat needle cast. I was also planning on using daconil and copper fungicide to treat it. I do not know if I should treat with bonide infuse, since it could harm mycorrhizae. Does anyone use...
  14. Hartinez

    HD Pinus Nigra

    Hi there. Im on Bonsai Nut often, but rarely do I pose questions and/or chime in on threads and discussions. Ive decided that needs to change. Im going into my 6th year as an enthusiast and have a nice collection of trees in all stages of design. Nothing Id call a masterpiece just yet, but...
  15. PeaceLoveBonsai

    JWP Project

    I visited the San Diego Bonsai exhibit last month. Good show, I’ll try to post some pix. But in their sales area they had this white pine for sale. It was under $100. They were looking to sell it to someone outside of SD b/c it was in decline. The gal said she had bought it a couple of years ago...
  16. Josh Barg

    JWP input

    I bought this white pine a month or so ago from Vance Wood at our club show. Since then I've stared and turned and stared some more. I'm having a hard time trying to decide what direction I want to go with the tree. This is also my first pine, so I guess I may be just a bit scared to mess with...
  17. B

    First Bonsai - Black Pine

    Hello, Im 20 Years old and just got my first tree, I bought it from eBay as I liked the idea that I could manipulate the tree and learn the skill before starting from seed in the future. Everything is going good, Im happy with the shape and so far looks good, Ive had it for a month now and its...
  18. Clicio

    My mame JBP and early very hot spring

    Got this little 18 years old (documented!) as a birthday gift in September. It was grown from seed by a local Japanese bonsai master; after he passed away, two other bonsaists took care of it. So I got it like you see in the picture, in need of shape and by the end of the Winter here. But...
  19. Clicio

    End of winter here - JBP Repotting and nothing else?

    Hello all; As I live in Brazil, here we are approaching the end of winter. My Japanese Black Pine needs new soil, so I will repot it as soon as the buds start to swell, in one or two weeks I guess. But... Besides repotting, it needs some heavy pruning and some wiring; I will leave decandle...
  20. Jaberwky17

    Preparing to pull a field grown Scots - need advice

    I have a Scots pine that I purchased at a local nursery as a 3-5 year old seedling about 4 years ago. It went directly into the ground at my old house, stayed there for a year, and when we moved it came with me - transplanted ground-to-ground in October (I didn't have any choice). It took a...
  21. R

    When Should I Move My Jack Pine Seedling Outside?

    I am growing a Jack Pine from seed. The needles it has when it emerged are quite long (about 1.5 inches?) and it is developing another set of needles now. At what point can I move this tree outside?
  22. RileyJFDB13


    Hello All, This pass week I have been at Yosemite National Park and I tried to take pictures when possible that some may draw inspiration from. Here are those photos: Root on rock, Crazy redwood Jin, Natural Clump styles Top that has died off and branch that took over.
  23. parhamr

    So, I guess I'm doing a JBP-in-colander study…

    I have recently acquired 26 Japanese Black Pine seedlings and 15 colanders. The seedlings are from Weyerhaeuser and Forest Farm. The colanders are 10" plastic "wash baskets" from Amazon. Jonas Dupuich is inspiring and I hope to replicate these results...
  24. OrganicSeasonal

    I bought this thing in the winter time, it's awakening now or something?:[

    Hello all. Well I bought this beautiful jbp bonsai from Grove Way bonsai in Hayward ca in the winter time. I'm a veggie Gardner with good plant knowledge, but I've been puttingJapanese Black Pine #2 by OrganicSeasonal posted Mar 7, 2017 at 7:17 PMJapanese Black Pine #1 by OrganicSeasonal posted...
  25. Piotr

    Pine - styling options - help :)

    I bought a pine last year. This spring I would like to transplant it in right position. And this is my dilemma :) Original Photo1 Photo 2 Moyogi style Photo 3 Photo 4 Or maybe han-kengai? Photo 5 Photo 6 I like the best the options at photo 4 and 6 but can not decide... What...
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