maple bonsai

  1. J

    Advice for maple, leaves shrivelling/curling during fall.

    I currently live in hong kong, the weather has been getting significantly cooler by the day and windy. I notice my maple has its leaves turned red recently but some of them after turning had either shrivelled or started to curl on the tips. I havent but the tree in harsh direct sunlight. I do...
  2. LunaticTree

    "Katsura" Maple and Larix

    Hello there! I am still relatively new to Bonsai, but I do know the basics by now. As for myself I am a Landscapegardener so it is nothing of a challenge to me to take care of special Flowers/Trees. I own quite a variety of Citrus plants and European Orchids, they are known to be quite...
  3. S

    Trident Maple

    Looking to buy a trident maple pre-bonsai. Hoping to find a natural-looking trunk with character. Budget up to $250-300.
  4. Scrogdor

    Starter Trident Maple not looking so good: Help!!!

    How's it going everyone, I'm new to bonsai and having some trouble with my first one :(. I picked up a starter trident maple that came in a tiny tiny plastic pot about two weeks ago. I repotted it, teased the roots out gently, filled with bonsai soil and put it on my balcony which receives 6-8...
  5. A

    Looking for Maple bonsai, Best places to look or anyone selling? NY,USA

    I am looking for a Maple Bonsai ( Trident, Japanese Maple, Katsura, etc). I am located in the New York area and was wondering if anyone recommends a nursery on the east coast or website to get one. Or if someone is selling one. Looking for a bonsai with nice taper, 10+ years old. Thanks!
  6. cozmicat

    Any idea what’s wrong?

    Hey everyone, little background on this maple. Hey traded for an Alberta spruce in late April of 2021. I didn’t think anything of the maple at the time as I still had some maples that were waking up. Now that we are in the very last few days of spring in the PNW. I believe there is something...
  7. Apex37

    When to Trunk Chop?

    So I have a little cork bark JM that I picked up from Brent at Evergreen Gardenworks. I'm thinking it's going to need a trunk chop due to how far up the first branching starts. I'm not sure air-layering will provide much and not even sure I can do successfully with it being this young. I've read...
  8. Apex37

    Acer Palmatum 'Ibo Nishiki' - Cork Bark Maple #1

    This was my first purchase from Brent at Evergreen Gardenworks and I can't say I'm disappointed! Trees came in super healthy and honestly bigger than I thought. I could use some advice or care tips from here. This is tree #1. This guy has nice movement and then it's pretty straight till about...
  9. Deshojo


    Latest arrival from British Bonsai my 1st spring with this tree
  10. Acer


    Got this from kaizen last year, it has double in foliage this year, will need a trim
  11. Apex37

    Maple Have Potential?

    Came across this guy on eBay for about $150. I thought branching, nebari, and all look to be there, just wanted other's opinions if it's worth the price. Obviously would require a lot of work as this isn't necessarily a bonsai, but I see potential. Thoughts?
  12. P

    Sharp's Pygmy Maple

    I obtained this Sharp's Japanese Maple stock last year from a local nursery and it underwent its first styling during the Fall. At the end of Fall I decided that the maple needed a better secondary structure and potentially better development of primary branches. This year I will allow about...
  13. S

    Newbie could use some help with new tree

    Hello, everyone. I just joined and and wanted to ask the community a few quick questions: I got this maple yesterday, it's planted in regular dirt (I think) with some kind of spongy black rocks (almost like perlite) with an orange coating, on top of the dirt. It is 7 years old, according to the...
  14. Apex37

    Nursery Maple Styling Recommendations

    Just picked up this guy for $30 at local nursery. I had a hard time not getting about 5 maples with them being 25% off, but they're getting a bunch of new ones next week, so I'm going to wait till then and probably get more. Anyway, I was trying to get some recommendations on styling. He's...
  15. Apex37

    New Maple Died

    So I purchased a small maple about 3 weeks ago and I'm not sure if it was a bad graft, or I just can't keep it alive or what but it's already dead. I watered it about every 2-3 days depending and was in about 6 hours of direct sun. It never actually budded or shown any signs of new leaves coming...
  16. BarkLeafTrees

    Trident Maple Repot

    Spent a bit of time repotting this trident maple yesterday the leaves are opening out so didn’t have much choice. Got a cold couple of weeks so hopefully my protection is adequate. There’s still a couple of crossing branches but I think I’ll just leave those for this year and see how it leafs...
  17. J

    Saving a maple

    Hello everyone, this tree might be a little difficult but i wanted to save it since it was going to a bin. Someone i know renovated their place and kept this maple as small hedge. I found it and asked to have it. Do you think there is any chance for it to become somewhat of a bonsai. Advices?
  18. P

    Not sure what to do for my maple

    Hi everyone! I’m new to bonsai (honestly new to long term plant care in general) and I’m not sure what to do for my maple sapling. My boyfriend gave this one to me at the beginning of August and we potted it in this pot at that time. I’m worried about drainage as I live in the PNW in a North...
  19. LeftHandLuke

    Advice for Red Maple Recently Air-layered

    Would very much appreciate advice on choosing a leader for this recently grown air-layered red maple. I'm new to the art and chose this odd branch back in April because of the odd twisting fork. I didn't know any better (and probably still don't :)) so I figured it would be interesting in some...
  20. Rivian

    Acer palmatum disease advice

    Hello everyone, the edges of the new shoots of my Sangokaku, Bi-Hoo and Deshojo japanese maples are turning black and I dont know why. I dont think they will mature properly, if I do nothing theyll probably just die. Maybe it looks like Im overreacting to you, but I just had to burn my largest...
  21. S

    Wind Protection - Apartment Balcony

    Just moved to a 15th floor apartment with an east facing balcony in New York. Would love to add some trees (have my eyes set on a maple) but I am concerned about wind damage and proper wintering. I have been reading these forums for solutions but it looks like most people with similar questions...
  22. Amerssa

    So, my deshojo maple died :(

    I always loved maples, they are not really common here in my country, and i knew it would be a hard species to take care in my region, but it actually went pretty well until this summer, wich was way hotter than usual, and it really felt the heat, all the leaves burned from the intense sun (even...
  23. Catclow

    Potting up

    Hello, I live in North Alabama and have only been immersing myself in bonsai for about 3 years or so. In the very beginning, I somewhat foolishly purchased a Trident Maple forest from an online mass-producer of bonsai trees. It remains very vigorous after the few years I've had it. It is the...
  24. cozmicat

    Normal or not?

    Hey Friends, I have another question, I’ve noticed some drooping foliage on my large maple, I checked the soil and was extremely dry, it has been a weird winter in Seattle, spring temps have come early and left. So the watering has been inconsistent. Can you guys look at the image of the cut...
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