
  1. Apex37

    Styling Suggestions for Nursery Juniper

    Kinda stumped on where to go from here on this nursery juniper. I’m fairly happy with the design, I’m just seeing two apexes becoming a problem here and could use some insight. Front: Another angle: Back: Other side of front:
  2. Y

    Juniper is Dying

    Posted a few weeks ago and since then my juniper has declined even more. Any ideas on what I could be dealing with? Do I need to cut everything off except for the one tiny healthy branch? Little black spots everywhere. You can kind of see them in the pictures but the main concern is all the tips!
  3. PowerTap

    Dying tips?

    I have a yardidori common juniper that I dug up last year. It made it through last summer without dying, but now I'm seeing a lot of dead tips on it as we start into an early spring. It's in a probably to large grow bag in potting soil. I'm concerned it's staying to wet and considering moving...
  4. Apex37

    Juniper ID

    Picked this up from a local nursery. There wasn’t a label on this specific one, but among the 5 there that were all the same, one was labeled Sabina Juniper. I’m not sure if that’s what this is though after looking at photos. Any help on an ID would be appreciated!
  5. trigo

    Shimpaku Kishu - Field Grown - Progress Thread

    Making this thread to share the progress and procedures that, i did / will do, on this juniper. i will leave here the link to the imgur gallery Bought this Shimpaku Kishu on November 03 2022 (late spring) at a famous bonsai grower here in Brazil, it was field grown specifically for bonsai and...
  6. Y

    Juniper infection? Help

    I went on vacation for a month and had my brother watching this little guy. Came back and it’s not looking good. Started treating with been oil a week ago showing no improvement. Anyone know what this is? Fungus? Blight? Insect? It’s all the little black dots everywhere. And some of the tips...
  7. Julio-Rufo

    Humble Juniper

    Hi all, This is a little juniper I acquired 2 years ago: I did not much with it during the first year, just water and feed in the training pot: The tree does not really work in this semi-cascade style due to the geometry of the trunk so in fall I just decided to rotate it 90° trying to...
  8. PowerTap

    Shortening leggy branches

    I harvested this juniper from my FIL's yard this last spring. I love the trunk but the branches are long and straight before you get to any foliage. It came out of the ground and I'm not sure how to approach shortening the branches without losing it all together. Should I cut back to the...
  9. Sammy V

    Intro.. this hobby escalated quickly!

    Hi everyone! I'm technically not new, I had a Juniper in college and promptly killed it.. or it may have gone dormant for the winter, and I thought it died. :confused: Just got back into it full force, after passing a roadside bonsai stand 150 times over the last 2 years. It's a 3 year old...
  10. SmallTreeGuy

    Choosing the front/styling

    Hello everyone, I’m having a rather difficult time choosing a front on this Juniper. It has a beautiful curved trunk and great taper. I also need a little help choosing which branches to trim and which to keep. I was thinking about a possible a semi cascade with it by repositioning the tree...
  11. PowerTap

    Starter shohin procumbus juniper progression

    So this is the tree that got me started. My wife bought me a class to make a bonsai and I don't think she knew what she was getting into. Jokes on her. The raw material was humble The initial styling was cute After a year it got some pads This year it grew really well. And then just got...
  12. L

    Lorax7 ‘Old Gold’ Juniper #1 progression

    Picked this one up from Lowe’s in the clearance section (75% off, woo!). Recently, I saw Hugo Zamora do a trunk splitting demo and I wanted to try it that technique, so this is my practice tree. Here it is before being worked on: It’s ready for it’s closeup, Mr. DeMille.
  13. Tntthunder

    A few Questions about developing nursery stock

    Recently got a another tree from a nursery, a Chinese Juniper 'Blaauws'. I slip pot into a bigger nursery pot to allow it to grow more and also wired the trunk and a few other thicker branches just for movement. Besides that pulled out small crotch growth and tiny weak interior foliage to open...
  14. SmallTreeGuy

    Branch selection/long shoots

    Hello all, I’m new to Bonsai Nut so please go easy on me. Lol I live in Texas (Dallas zone 8a). Weather has just started to cool down just a bit from the scorching summer heat/drought that we’ve had. Anyways, I bought this Parson’s juniper about a month ago at a local nursery and have...
  15. M

    Yamadori Collection

    Hello - I am wanting to collect from more mountainous regions. I have collected and had a successful rate thus far. My question is related to collecting from rock pockets. What are the best ways to do so? It appears as if you would need a pry bar and small hand tools to remove. When do you know...
  16. M

    Sierra juniper yamadori questions: pumice size, hormone/fertilizer, etc

    I am collecting Sierra Juniper at 8k+ feet (and coming back to Oakland, Bay Area) and have some questions I've been unable to find specific answers for despite looking in Nick Lenz's book, forums on this site, youtube, etc. Lenz's book speaks on the differences between ground, field, and rocky...
  17. Rivian

    Blaauw's and the like

    My only junipers so far are Blaauw because this variety resists rust which we have here every year. All my crab apples were selected for this also. I do not want to compromise on this, and my mind cant be changed. But I would like to add more juniper varieties. Somehow I love the idea of...
  18. A

    Juniper Sabina new start

    Hey everyone, before going further I`am new to bonsai and I`am looking for some advices and of course constructive criticism. I bought this Sabina Juniper from a local shop (not bonsai related), the shape of tree was perfect for cascade so I decided to give it a try. For soil i used a mix of...
  19. S

    Another shimapku - first real styling

    Another of my twisted trunk shimpaku. I've been tempted to do something with this one for several years now but I've been disciplined and held off doing much to this one in an attempt to allow trunk to thicken. Several large sacrifice branches encouraged for a number of years. Here's what I...
  20. O

    Pruning a new Procumbens Nana Juniper in early fall?

    I just brought home a garden juniper from my local garden center. For context, I live in hardiness zone 4b (according to both Canadian and USDA hardiness methods). I've asked in a few different forums and researched my own but I'm getting conflicting answers on whether or not I can prune away...
  21. A

    Large rescued "urbandori" Juniper - which path to take?

    Hi all, I was fortunate enough to find and get permission to retrieve this huge juniper from a historic old iron foundry site in the midlands (UK). Over the past two seasons i've been letting it recover and slowly chasing foliage back to the trunk; it grows like an absolute champ. In terms of...
  22. J

    New Plant Advice!

    Still new to Bonsi I have had Juniper for some time now and seeing some brown on the Branch? Waters good, Soils good, Sunlight Most the morning then in the window for indirect rest of the day. Is the Brown bad or just growing? Any advice would be cool! TY
  23. Y

    Juniper is starting to dry out and brown.

    Is this too late to save?? I may have gone like a day too long or two without water? I have it in a shady spot in my backyard now and I’ve been misting the area for humidity and watered it this morning.
  24. HMF

    Advice With Juniper Styling

    I recently have been getting into bonsai, and purchased some Juniperus Horizontalis to just practice wiring and stuff with. After feeling like that went okay, I decided to take a risk and order another plant online. I ordered a 'Blauuws' Juniper Chinensis, and was pretty surprised when it...
  25. Z

    Juniper tip issue identification

    I've noticed the tips look damaged on a few junipers. It looks like the growing tip had issues (too little water? too much water? disease?) and was shed. I'm seeing this across multiple species/varieties. For the most part, the rest of the plants look healthy. Anyone have any experience or hints...
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