
  1. Deep Sea Diver

    Rookies sorting out roots Ebihara don’t look!

    We got tired of our fledgling maples etc tossing out roots wherever and decided to see what could be done. 29 trees later we think we’ve got the basics. Now we are only hoping these lil guys will take the pummeling they received! Here’s just a few shots of the trees. Not necessarily the...
  2. Bonsai Noodles

    Has anyone had long-term success with wintering in a refrigerator?

    This thread on refrigerator overwintering really piqued my interest: I'm currently in Minnesota cold and plan to use an unheated garage to keep trees from dying in the crazy-cold weathers. Seems doable, and I've had success with...
  3. BonsaiDTLA

    Healed scars or wounds on Deciduous

    For many folks, it is prized to have a scar free trunk and seems that time will help blend wounds that have fully closed. In my search to see results after some time has passed, I couldn't find a thread or much record on this other than a couple posts here and there. Given how often we...
  4. Rivian

    Carpinus koreana - Carpinus turczaninowii

    I have seen multiple websites claim theyre the same, and Ive seen multiple websites claim theyre different and also sell them separately. What gives? Also believe Ive seen it spelled "coreana". Need expert advice.
  5. Rivian

    Need help identifying a tree by its leaves

    I found a few small deciduous trees with alternating nodes in the forest, and I dont know what it is but would like to find out more and check if its suitable for bonsai. This is what the leaves look like from above and below. I didnt have my phone with me so I just took a leaf, thats all the...
  6. Yugen

    Potentilla work showcase

    Hey tree fam! I'd like to show you my potentilla. This is one years growth and trim. She's still recovering from a savage rabbit assault from last year but she's strong and resilient. 9 years old. Potentilla make for great bonsai! They are an alpine shrub that is cytokinin dominant. They...
  7. nmilewski

    Nmilewski's "Azalea 2020-2025" entry

    Hey all! First time contest for me and another entry for the great North American deciduous Azalea experiment. This is an azalea 'fireball'. An exbury hybrid I got from a nursery. Trying to sort out if I need to gradually reduce down or if I can hard chop. Thinking the base has good potential...
  8. Storm87

    Any experience using 'sweating techniques' indoors for i.a. Hawthorns?

    Hi all, Yesterday I collected a Hawthorn (picture will follow). Anyone has experience with the so called 'sweating technique' (by Tony Tickle) used indoors? Why I ask? I like to try it, however there will be only rain en clouds the coming weeks and sun is required to my understanding to heat...
  9. I


    So I cheated, I didn’t make this, I bought it. Also, it came from zone 6 or 7, so it might even wake up in my brutal winter (it seriously is brutal, too hot to go without AC but not hot enough to justify turning it on). Anyways, I think I wanna raise it 2 or 3mm to expose some roots. It’s...
  10. Sir_Nixon

    Advice for Vine Maple (Acer Circinatum)

    Hello, This is my first year as a bonsai enthusiast and the proud owner of some very cool and fun specimens. I have recently acquired a 40 year old Vine maple (Acer Circinatum) that I have some questions about the pruning and development of. The previous owner has left the branches to become...
  11. Gsquared

    Pretty little zelkova

    This little zelkova was a volunteer growing in a median. This baby looks to be about 2 years old. The roots were decent, and distributed somewhat evenly. What appealed was the nice straight trunk and the graceful flare at the base. It is about 1.5” at the base and 3/4” a few inches up the trunk...
  12. NaturalArt

    Chinese elm (Ulmus parviflora) - Styling advice

    My local nursery was having a 30% off sale on their pre-bonsai so of course I had to check it out. I found this ugly little Chinese elm (that was mislabeled as "Chinese Zelkvoka sp.") and was hoping to see what you guys though could be done with it. I picked it out because of the awesome thick...
  13. Aiki_Joker

    Spirea - repot now (end October) and cut back? Scotland UK

    I see there are quite a few threads here on spirea. This landscape potted specimen has been neglected in this shallow pot probably more than 4 years without repotting and was to be chucked out. I figured I'd take it. Its just lost all of its beautiful red autumn leaves. Not much foliage or...
  14. Powerful Carpinus

    Powerful Carpinus

    Powerful Nebari
  15. Hornbeam Hollow Trunk

    Hornbeam Hollow Trunk

  16. BonsaiBay

    A month to dig or it dies

    I'm hoping to get some guidance on when to dig up a ornamental pear tree, now or a month from now. Here's the problem, the tree has already pushed its new growth. Leaves are out and flowers are in the middle of opening. However, I just found out that I can remove it if I want it but I have about...
  17. TyroTinker

    Field growing soil prep

    Ok so this might be an amateur question or an advanced topic I don't know, so here it goes. What do you guys do to prep the ground where you will be field growing your trees? Or do you prep it. The reason I'm asking is this next spring I will be plants several different types of deciduous...
  18. RileyJFDB13

    Chinese Cork Elm progression and Calcium deposit help.

    Happy friday all!! Here are some progression photos from this year alone of the developments of my cork bark Chinese Elm. I also bring a question to the table, I live in Southern California which means my water quality is terrible and I get relatively little rain. I do my best not to touch the...
  19. palagaban

    interesting yamadori experiment

    Hi bonsainuters so i was able to collect an old lonicera yamadori 2 weeks ago... due to the place i dug the tree i was able to collect very little to next than nothing of the roots... i had little hopes of the survival rate for this old tree but i did not gave up... i followed the european...
  20. S

    American beech (Fagus grandifolia) collecting and as bonsai

    I am considering trying to collect an American beech this spring to work on. They are one of my favorite trees and are readily available. It should be much quicker than trying to grow from seed. I would like to know if others have had success collecting and training American beech and are...
  21. BonsaiButler

    More plums

    I have quite a few wild plums. Here are some recent pics of two of them including a new air layer from this season.
  22. BonsaiButler

    Multi trunk wild plum

    Yet another yamadori prunus. had this for a couple seasons, thought the shape/trunks were interesting.
  23. BonsaiButler

    Common Ash

    here is a crazy ash I found growing in a rock crevice beside the creek on my uncles property. It seems growing in a crack like that forced the trunk to bulge out, It has really good taper although hard to see in the photos.This tree was collected in the middle of august this year and the bucket...
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