dawn redwood

  1. A

    Tree Identification

    Hi this is the first tree I have purchased. It was sold to me as a Dawn Redwood but I’m not so sure. First off, the leaves are still green. I assume a dawn redwood would at least have its fall colors by now if not have already dropped its leaves. Secondly, the tree has two types of foliage...
  2. T

    Pruning/Training For Colorado Blue Spruce, Bald Cypress & Dawn Redwood

    Good day all, my first post on the site, hope to make some friends. I am in NYC {USDA plant zone 7B} and have a great backyard and quite a few years of growing a wide range of plants and gardening etc. I have recently been gifted three beautiful deciduous bonsai all three in the upright style...
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    Dawn Redwood first pot
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    FDDC25C1-E772-4ECC-BDEF-CC4B6F435FD8 2.JPG

  5. FreeFlyer

    Finally getting in to Bonsai after YEARS of interest. My first tree (Nursery Stock)

    First post here. I've been interested in Bonsai for many many years. There was always some excuse or reason not to start...No more I say. After many YouTube videos of professionals (Peter Chan at Herons, and Bonsai Mirai mainly), and lurking here for about a month, I decided to start looking for...
  6. Bonds Guy

    Round 2 of the Ebihara Method

    Last season I took a whack at the Ebihara method and, well that tree is dead now. I figured since it’s a new season, why not try again and hopefully not kill this one. So here’s my 2nd attempt at the Ebihara method:
  7. GreatLakesBrad

    Dawn Redwood material - opine at will!

    So I went to my first show at Meijer Gardens today. I spent three hours looking at everything and biding my time. But this dawn... it’s massive, healthy, gnarly and I like the carving as an option... and the root base is quite nice imo. So I gave in. I don’t regret it for a minute. With that...
  8. S

    Re-Locating A Dawn Redwood Grouping

    I am new to the bonsai world and last year (September) ordered a Dawn Redwood (5 tree grouping) to get my feet wet. When ordered I lived in San Diego, and although it took until January for the leaves to fall, the trees seemed to do very well. I did my first pruning in February (once I saw the...
  9. S

    Re-location Advice

    I am new to the bonsai world and last year (September) ordered a Dawn Redwood (5 tree grouping) to get my feet wet. When ordered I lived in San Diego, and although it took until January for the leaves to fall, the trees seemed to do very well. I did my first pruning in February (once I saw the...
  10. Aaron the Great

    Dawn Redwood

    A couple of months ago I got this Dawn Redwood from death row at a local nursery for $1.50. I figured at that price, there isn't much to lose. At the time of purchase it was in a 2 inch square pot and had very little green. Once I got it home I re-potted it and found that even with the real...
  11. Microraptor_123

    Dawn redwood illnesses/diseases

    I repotted this dawn redwood one week ago to correct an earlier mistake (roots were on very bottom of pot, as opposed to having soil underneath). It still has brown/yellow spotted leaves. Ive noticed that new growth on old branches is normal, however, new branches have severely brown and...
  12. Sn0W

    Dawn Redwood Clean Up

    So as per a previous post, I picked up 4 'Matthaei Broom' Dawn Redwoods from a local nursery. I wanted 2 originally but after speaking to the owner she offered me a 4 for 3 as she'd had them for years and wanted to get rid. Today I cleaned them up, removed some whorls and a lot of problem...
  13. Sn0W

    Metasequoia Glyptostroboides 'Matthaei Broom'

    I visited a semi local nursery the other day and found they had a huge collection (40 - 50) of Dawn Redwoods. They had clearly been there a long time as they had attached themselves to the floor through the bottom of the pots. The trunks ranged from 2 - 7 inches roughly and I thought they'd make...
  14. daudelus

    Dawn redwood ... opinions wanted

    I have a dawn redwood volunteer seedling that I had been allowing to grow in its original spot for a couple seasons... some animal chewed it down to a nub last winter, so I dug it up and replanted it in a growing bed with some better compost... it has recovered from being an animal's meal...
  15. Hobbyist

    First Bonsai- Dawn Redwood

    Hello, Never had a Bonsai before and never posted in a forum before, but i read forums regularly and I have read tons of threads on this site! So to the Bonsai! My friend and I started growing Dawn Redwod or aka metasequoia to plant as wind breaks in our yard. Planted over 250 from seed...
  16. George Small

    Dawn Redwood

    Any advice is welcome. When is the best time to trim ? Also what type / style pot would be the best. Tree is currently 44" tall. It was grown in grown and was potted about 18 months ago. Very healthy. Thanks G.
  17. Polcyn

    Dawn Redwood (dinosaur bonsai!)

    So in searching for trees for my young collection of future bonsai I read about the Dawn Redwood (Metasequoia glyptostroboides) and was immediately amazed by this tree's rebirth back in the forties. So obviously I bought one as soon as I could!!! Thank you "The Hidden Gardens" in...
  18. N

    Over-wintering Young Dawn Redwood

    I have a pot of 5 very young dawn redwoods (I only planted the seeds this past spring). Up until now, I've just kept them in front of an east facing window (the only window in my condo that actually gets light due to all the trees around). Now that it's mid-November, I'm trying to figure out...
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