
  1. E

    A collected Yew

    The bonsai group that I'm a part of organized a collection trip to a semi-abandoned nursery this weekend. I got myself a yew. Not sure if it is a Taxus cuspidata or Taxus brevifolia, but they were the two planted there 40 years ago so it's one of those. I found this one overgrown with grass and...
  2. C

    Collected Mugo Pines. Help!

    So I just got two mugo pines from free Craigslist (like 5 mins ago). I know it’s the wrong time of year to be doing anything in the way of collecting/planting/potting, but the guy wanted them gone ASAP. It also happens to be 100 degrees in Michigan today (great lol). My question is, to keep...
  3. C

    Cedar training boxes?

    So I found a great mulberry stump that I want to collect come the winter. I also would like to get my Japanese maple out of its nursery pot when the time comes. I see a lot of people beginning training from collected trees and nursery pots into cedar boxes. I understand that these boxes are...
  4. BonsaiBay

    Styling Advise on an Unknown Collected Juniper

    First, yes, I know that the foliage isn't good. Please ignore the color for now. I haven't decided what I am going to do about that yet. I collected this Juniper a couple years ago now and have yet to figure out what to do with it. That probably tells me everything I need to know but I'm not...
  5. Cosmos

    Collected red spruce (picea rubens) - repotting question

    I collected this small tree last October in Nova Scotia, under a power line. As you can guess from the first picture, collection was quite easy as the tree was growing precariously in clay-like sandy soil. I only had to cut about 3-4 longer roots to dislodge it, so I got almost a perfectly...
  6. Forest Bean

    Collected pine seedlings

    Hello nuts, I collected these three pine seedlings while I was out. I got them in the state of Maryland. They have 4-5 needles in each fascicle. The only 5-needle pine I know that is native to my area is Pinus strobus the Eastern white pine. Here is a photo of a Pinus strobus seedling I...
  7. Forest Bean

    Wild Maple Soil Suggestions

    I have posted about this maple this week. I collected it from the woods. I want to know peoples suggestions for soil once it stabilizes enough to be repotted. I don't know the specific species. I believe it is Acer Rubrum the Red Maple. Others have suggested the "Freeman" Maple hybrid and the...
  8. Forest Bean

    Help? Unidentifiable Collection

    I collected this tree in the Clarksburg and Fairmont area of West Virginia. Lots of hills and mountains. I really have no clue what species it is. I have been searching all over the internet for something close to it. Lots of Beech grow where I dug it up, but I know it's not beech. The new...
  9. Gsquared

    "Urban Yamadori" Berberis

    A church near me was ripping out a parking lot and this big berberis was over on the cast off debris pile. It had been mostly covered in dirt, but I wrapped it in plastic and took it home. The few roots that were left looked fairly strong, so I potted it up an am keeping my fingers crossed that...
  10. Ryan H

    Collected Olives

    Hey nuts, I got an email about a soon to be bulldozed olive tree nearby and had to go for it. Total cost of the Day was $32 spent on an ax and I’m pretty happy with what I was able to collect. Some pictures below more the olive album I posted. If all goes well, I will have 5 new olives to...
  11. Saddler

    Picea Glauca Yamadori test tree.

    I was up north last week transporting an RV back to Vancouver and wanted to collect a few yamadori in various places along the back to test the conditions they were growing in for a future collecting excursion. I found one place that had some amazing trees. Dozens and dozens of trees worth...
  12. daudelus

    Recent work on a collected yew (taxus)

    This is a yew I collected from a hedge row about 3 years ago, and this year I decided to do some work on it... this one had much of its foliage strength on one side, so I decided to use the weaker side for dead wood features. This is the tree before starting... I cleaned up the bark a bit...
  13. T

    Tree ID

    This tree was given to me this weekend. I was told it had been collected 3 years ago and nothing done with it since. It was collected in Oklahoma from a field owned by a bonsai collector. So I don't know if it's native or if it was planted intentionally for the purpose of later being dug up. I...
  14. Bonsaikev1985

    Any advice on this newly collected Red Maple!!

    Hey guys, this is actually my first post on here. Been doing Bonsai about 2 years now and have about 50+ trees. Have learned a lot in a short period of time... my question is about this newly collected Red Maple. I know it's really late in the year to collect here in New Jersey, but a friend of...
  15. gallina1594


    So my parents have this sango-kaku that had a lot of die off the past 2 winter's. There's still a live branch on it, and there's new growth all over the trunk, so I have hope! But my parents want to rip it out and start new. What's your experience with sango-kakus? Think I should try to bonsai...
  16. parhamr

    Large urban-dori yew

    Five blocks from where I live is a recently-razed double lot slated to become apartments. I've been watching this place for a while and waiting for the right season and weather; today was the right day. After making peace with the woman living next door and promising to not touch her rose...
  17. Craigm

    collected Casuarina

    This is a Casuarina which I collected/saved from an area being cleared for a housing estate. collected June 2015, after collection I remove 100% of the foliage and any branches which aren't seen to be needed. here it is showing some regrowth, casuarina obesa in Junes 2016 I gave it a light...
  18. Collected Boxwood..Urban Yamadori

    Collected Boxwood..Urban Yamadori

    Will style and wire in the future
  19. Collected Boxwood..Urban Yamadori

    Collected Boxwood..Urban Yamadori

    side view
  20. Collected Boxwood..Urban Yamadori

    Collected Boxwood..Urban Yamadori

    Roots are nice and healthy
  21. Collected Boxwood..Urban Yamadori

    Collected Boxwood..Urban Yamadori

    This is one of twenty six foot tall boxwoods that i collected from a house in San Jose. The owner said his dad planted them when the house was built around 1955. I brought them home and reduced them in size to 3 feet...about 6 months later Bonsai Master John Thompson helped me reduce them to...
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