Recently collected Scotch Pine. I'll leave it to recover for now, but my mind is already thinking about future stylings, and where to take this one.
Here is my idea for now:
Any other ideas I should consider?
I will keep this thread updated as the tree evolves
Got it from someone’s yard for free. Thing has to be atleast 35 years old. May eventually trunk chop it to try making a chonky broom .. but will leave alone for now. Collected an even bigger one a year ago and is doing fine.. so this will def pull through
Looking for Collected Eastern White Cedar, Red, Alaskan. Not nursery stock but something with age dead wood and movement.
Let me know if you can and would be shipping to the Seattle area.
Found this guy on a dirt bike trail, was in basically sand. I definitely hurt the root system pulling it, but it still had a good strong tap root. I’ve since put them in a root pot with well draining 90:10ish rock:soil mixture. I water from the bottom.
Not sure if a cedar or juniper, I did...
Yesterday I went to visit my grandad, who gave the the tree seed kit I started with. He mentioned finding a few trees growing on his plot/allotment, so today I went down and dug them up!
They’re in compost from his plot, feels quite dense, especially compared to the soil they where in when I...
Hello all!
Last week I have collected this rather young Mugo pine from a crumbling clay ravine.
Unfortunately after I started digging it I realised that has 2 tap roots going straight down, which left me with a rather small rootball. Also the roots came out with absolutely no soil on them...
The local fb site had an offer of some azaleas and gardenias. Can't pass up free trees, especially when they are already dug and just waiting to be picked up.
Here are the plants I picked up.
It's quite late in the season for azaleas here but one had double white flowers
First step is to...
Collected this big stump in March. I should have cut it lower but this was the first time doing this. I thought it was a birch because the bark is whitish, but after it budded out I think it's some native cherry. Sorry the picture is terrible.
So here is is today, and it's been growing...
Hello all,
Zone 8a. I am getting new landscaping put in and in an attempt to beat the landscapers, I dug out one of four, 25’ Crape Myrtles in my front yard. I have the option of getting all 4 obviously but I don’t think I have the time (or energy) for all of them before work is started next...
I've seen ryan neil say this on multiple streams on mirai live, in this video at 16:33 he's saying this again. Reduce the rootball enough to fit a bonsai pot, it's a kill it or make a bonsai moment... but following that logic, why not bare root? why not make more drastic moves on initial stages...
This American beech, I collected 2 years ago. It has 4"-5" base, and has been growing untouched. I am just looking for ideas on what direction to go with this tree. I'm am not a fan of the type of broom style where the trunk splits into two leaders of equal size. I just don't want to create one...
This JBP was collected here in Brazil on the ending of our winter, 5 weeks ago, i started with slow realease fertilizer the day after collecting it and 1x per week foliar feeding fish and kelp fertilizer. It stayed 3 weeks on partial shade and the last 2 weeks it got full sun. It started to push...
So today i just collected a field grown JBP, it was on the field for several years, heavy clay soil, well fed and watered. The rootball came out with a nice size and capilary roots.
So my question is about the aftercare, right now it's a bush with lots of foliar mass and buds swelling, some...
This thread in response to a request from @Deep Sea Diver for some documentation of transplanting azaleas.
Feel free to add comments or other experiences.
I have been involved in garden maintenance for a number of years. One client was a retirement village established in the 1970s. As part of...
About a week ago, I went on my first Juniper Yamadori collecting trip and brought home two fine specimens which I'm praying to the gods, will survive. This was an extremely fun and memorable experience for me, but I feel no amount of reading would have probably fully prepared me for what I was...
I wasn’t sure where to put this post I’ts my first time posting here.
I need some help here, a friend gave me this tree that collected and I want to know what kind of tree it is, from what I read and the description I found in this article, it is a Limber pine -“This species of conifer can have...
Here is a gnarly Amur honeysuckle I collected from the creek near my house this spring. Massive and gnarly from frequent floods breaking branches.
Bare rooted and planted it in a concrete mixing tub - it has been remarkably vigorous. Actually it was carried away in a flash flood after I potted...
Hi all, am I very new to bonsai so forgive any mistakes I might have made. I recently collected about 8 of what I think are Japanese boxwood. And was wondering if anyone could give me any tips on how to make sure they stay alive and well established. Here is a bit of context.
I collected them...
This hornbeam had to be removed from a garden and that allowed me to collect it and try to make something out of it.
It has been collected end of December, not ideal but leaving it longer was no option.
I removed a large part of the roots, the taproot and lower sidetroots, and there are only...
Hey guys, just documenting and sharing another Quercus buckleyi ( Buckley’s Oak) that I collected near Abilene, Texas. I’m really excited about this one because of the really nice radial roots that it has. There’s a tiny bit of inverse taper at the moment but I’m hoping now that the lower trunk...
I’m one of those that really wants to see more oak in bonsai and I hope to eventually have some nice ones myself. Here are a few shots of an oak that I recently collected. It was a real chore getting this guy out of the ground! During the process I broke my mattock axe handle by hitting it on a...
I collected this oak this weekend and was able to get some nice feeder roots out with it. I left the trunks long with the intention of maybe cutting them back shorter in the next couple of days. I’ve already shortened them to where I have the trunks blocked out in the edited picture but I’m...
I was lucky enough to purchase this pretty cool oak prebonsai at a Dallas nursery and just had to take it home with me because I think it has potential to become something awesome in the future. From what I’ve read collecting oak is something that’s not necesarilly easy to do and it was awesome...
I was lucky enough to purchase this pretty cool oak prebonsai at a Dallas nursery and just had to take it home with me because I think it has potential to become something awesome in the future. From what I’ve read collecting oak is something that’s not necesarilly easy to do and it was awesome...
Simple: post an interesting closeup picture of the bark of a tree you own (refined bonsai or long term project, doesn’t matter). Focus on picture quality, proper focus and lighting.
If you post in this thread, you must attach a bark picture, no exception. Same rule as in the other picture...