bonsai beginner

  1. Syedabrar

    Mugo pine from nursery stock

    Saw this mugo at the Lowes today, priced at $120. Its pricey for me, any ideas if it will be a good bonsai specimen, new to bonsai world.
  2. B

    Starting a Bodhi tree (Ficus religiosa) that has overgrown on one side

    This is a 2-3 year old Bodhi tree grown from a cutting. So far I have let it grow naturally but due to overgrowth on one side it is definitely time to start pruning/wiring etc. It will be my first time doing so, so really keen to get advice. The overgrown branch was hanging down and getting...
  3. A

    Help me save Fukien Tea Bonsai

    Hello! My friend gave me this beautiful Fukien Tea Tree bonsai. This is my first ever plant. It was healthy a few days ago - the leaves were complete and a beautiful shade of green. My bonsai mentor said to put it in the sun a few hours a day but I think I burnt it. I found black spots on...
  4. A

    Any Good Advice on Bonsai Forests?

    Hello! I am somewhat new to Bonsai and I have been practicing for a few years now. I live in zone 10a in West Palm Beach, Fl. I have a desire to create another Bonsai Forest, but what thinking of doing an evergreen style look. I understand our local pines have too long of needles, so I was...
  5. 1John 3:16

    In the beginning...

    Hello all! This is my 3rd attempt at bonsai, unforseen circumstances didn't allow for a bonsai garden. Now, I have 1 Carolina Cypress, 1 Japanese Red Maple and some Lemon and Apple tree seeds, some already in a pot others germinating. I do understand the Carolina Cypress isn't one that is...
  6. cmsheehan

    Newly collected Yamadori Pine

    Hello everyone! Thanks so much for accepting me to the team... I mean group;) So I recently collected this beautiful pine from Massachusetts, right near the ocean. I believe it’s either a Scott’s Pine or Pitch Pine, possibly a Japanese Black Pine. I successfully transferred her into a new pot...
  7. H

    Seeking advice for Tucson, AZ newb

    I’m new to this world and to Tucson. My husband gifted me a Bonsai hobby for Christmas because I have been talking about it for years. After reading many threads I have found a local nursery to visit. My first question is what type of trees can we grow here? I have found so many different tree...
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