
  1. Apex37

    Azalea Soil Mix

    So I just picked up a nice red azalea at Lowes for $10 and gonna try and bonsai him. This is my first azalea and I've heard they prefer more acidic soil. I've read a Kanuma mix is good for them. I have Akadama, Pine Bark, Lava Rock, and Perilite. Will any or a specific mix of these work for the...
  2. henrykiser

    Accidental Groundlayer Adventure

    We just closed on a great new place and I’ve been taking stock of the flora on the property. At first I was annoyed with the messy unkempt beds of azaleas that hadn’t been cleared of fallen leaves but realized many had thrown ground layers under the rotten leaves! Will try to leave some to...
  3. Rivka

    Rivka's Azalea 2020-2025 Contest Entry

    Been dragging my feet starting this entry, though following the contest since last winter and documenting my process, life, covid, and family being what it was, I half expected my entire collection to up and revolt. Well, my first Azalea I collected, lovingly by hand in March, did precisely that...
  4. HamburgerTrain "Tutorial"-Translated to English Thought this may come in handy for some folks. Now I'm going to go read it!!!
  5. onlyrey

    Anybody have tried an Azalea Fusion ?

    Has anybody tried here to fuse azaleas ? Maybe two with different flower colors (instead of grafting), and also to get a larger trunk faster ? I found two instances in the internets: 1. Redit (2 years ago, unknown where it went). 2. Mangetsu azalea from bonsai fusion (4 years ago, not sure...
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    Azalea Satsuki flower
  7. M

    Satsuki Azalea Dormancy

    I am a novice and just got through my first spring/summer with my young Satsuki azalea. It almost doubled in size, and it seems to have been a pretty successful growing season in terms of letting it get established in the pot. The tree has been outside on my patio for the whole season, so it got...
  8. B

    Satsuki Azalea brown tips/residue?

    Hey guys this is my first post! I just got into bonsai recently and got a few trees, one of which was a satsuki azalea (aoinohikari if I’m not mistaken) I just brought it back the other day and I’m noticing a few leaves yellowing/browning and I may be overreacting but I figured I’d ask instead...
  9. JLee9706

    Evergreen Azalea

    Impulse buy... tips?! I’ve been told of watering (2-3 times a week) and sunlight restrictions (mostly shade). I’ve had it for about two weeks now. I wanted to make sure I could keep it alive before doing any work on it. I wanted to see if there was any tips for growth or changes to the existing...
  10. F

    Large Azalea Yamadori. Need advice.

    Hello everyone, Seeking advice on the best time of year and and any general best practices when collecting Azalea Yamadori. The research I have done online is giving me mixed singals on the best time to transplant or collect Azaleas and figured it would be in my best interest to consult with...
  11. Deep Sea Diver

    What type of azalea media (substrate) do you use?

    Hi All 'Nuts! I'd like to get some help from all of you that have evergreen azaleas. In this poll I'm trying to get a handle on what media components folks pot their evergreen azalea in. Please list your top three components if you are using a mix. If you use more than 3 components, do not...
  12. Pitoon

    Azalea #2 - Glenn Dale 'Violetta'

    This thread will be a progression thread on the conversion of a nursery plant to a bonsai. Azalea Group: Glenn Dale Cultivar: 'Violetta' Height: 3-4' Spread: 3-4' Growth rate: Medium USDA Hardiness Zone: 5-8 Color of flower: Intense purplish pink Size of flower: 2”- 2¼" (Truss has 2-3...
  13. Deep Sea Diver

    Evergreen Azalea Basics, including Satsuki Version 1.01

    Greetings Evergreen Azalea lovers! This article provides a solid background on Evergreen Azaleas, including Satsuki azaleas. The content is from, and credited to, the Italian Satsuki Bonsai Website and is named "Satsuki Tutorial". This is not a tutorial per se, but an article that provides a...
  14. Clorgan

    Azalea Japonica

    Hello all! Thread for my new azalea japonica, picked up cheap from a nursery near my work. This will be the last in my collection...for now ;) I wanted to try to develop a flowering bonsai, because who doesn't love flowers?! I read about choosing one that is a single plant rather than a...
  15. YamadoriFL

    YamadoriFL 2020-2025 Azalea contest entry

    Hello there. This is one of my first posts and I'd like to share a new nursery semi-dwarf Azalea I'd like to enter in your contest. I bought it in this 3 gal pot mainly because of the nice established roots and trunk flair. I cut the pot down before the first pic to tease the roots a bit. The...
  16. J

    Hi from Iggy the Azalea

    “Hi - I’m Iggy the Azalea!” Hey everyone, glad to have stumbled onto the board. Looks to be a thriving community! I’ve been a bonsai fan my entire life, have owned a few, and unfortunately seen a few die for various reasons (usually trusting roommates to care for them while out of town)...
  17. L

    Brown leaf spots - Azalea

    Hey, I received this Azalea 10 days ago via mail delivery, kept it inside for couple of days, then moved it in a small greenhouse. It was already a bit brownish on a side when I received it, and I thought it was because of the mail trip...but it still has brown spots....can you guys tell me...
  18. E

    Can this azalea be saved?

    I dug up this struggling azalea today. It's about 15 years old and I just temporarily put it in this pot to see if it's worth trying to save. What do you all think? I like the trunk but I don't know how much to cut and such. Thanks!
  19. cozmicat

    Azalea cutback, best time of year

    Hey all, This is my first post, I am fairly new to bonsai, only been practicing for a little over a year. I recently purchased a Golden Lights azalea, I am not sure what species of azalea that falls into. The card that came with the azalea says "Northern Lights Hybrid" I assume someone cooked...
  20. shakotan710

    Wakaebisu Azalea

    This was one of the first plants that I bought when I became interested in bonsai. Earliest pictures are from 2017. The tree as purchased, less than $10 after tax. Repotted and pruned, sitting in kanuma.
  21. DamianTrimboli

    Satsuki Azalea - what is happening?

    My satsuki azalea is killing branches.. this has been happing for about 3 months.. I thought it was because one day if was not watered, but now, branches that were well 1 month ago are dying now, I already lost 3 branches.. what do you think is happening?
  22. B

    ‘Yardadori’ Azalea

    I recently dug this azalea from a landscape of a house being demolished. It had to be emergently dug up to save it. It’s now about 2 weeks stable in a pre bonsai pot with good soil and recovering. I removed about 80% or more of the foliage and it is growing again with several branches showing...
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    azalea stem cuttings trying to get them to root.
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    Azalea Stem cuttings. Collected May 12th.
  25. ChildishGrahambino

    Satsuki Azalea Turning Brown in Winter...Not Sure What to Do

    Hi! I'm new to bonsai care. I live in Ohio and I'm not sure whether my plant is suffering due to winter dormancy, overwatering, underwatering, or what. I will post pictures, but most leaves are brown. Up until a few weeks ago, I would constantly see new dead leaves that have fallen to the...
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