air layering

  1. xisbi

    Air layer started to drop leaves after 2 days

    hi I am new to air layering and could use some help. I air layered a meyer lemon tree and within a day the leaves of the air layered part started to fall. Did I remove too much when I was removing the bark of the branch? the new growth that was on the branch before the air layer so far kept...
  2. Fishtank307

    A. palmatum 'shishigashira'

    Hi everyone! I just came back from a tree nursery with this rather large Acer palmatum shishigashira. They had a lot of japanese maples for 'garden use' in stock and I remembered this cultivar being used for bonsai. It was on sale, so I didn't really hesitate. The base and cultivar was what...
  3. B

    Air Layering

    So I did air layering for the first time after watching many videos on it's so I knew how to do it properly. I did it on a lions head Japanese maple that I have; I air layered two branches on this tree and waited 8 weeks. I checked today if there were roots and this is what I saw (see pictures)...
  4. Zonked_zazzer

    Air layering Jacaranda and Powder Puff

    Has anyone had any success with air layering Jacaranda or Powder Puff tree? If yes can you give some inputs about the same. I am looking forward to air layering both of these from full grown trees. Jacaranda branch I am looking at is almost 5 inches thick and the powder puff branch is a couple...
  5. petegreg

    11th Floor Separatists

    Sorry for a title, but it's how it is. I'll start with my oldest Chinese elm. Mallsai... couldn't find a way to use this ugly trunk. So went ahead and did this this spring. Last week these were ready to be separated. I love manual works! ... checking roots and potting. And this is what...
  6. szelelaci

    Removing air layer without foliage

    Hi, I have two air layers on different hornbeams. I made them a month ago, I already can see nice roots snaking around in the container however it is not full with them yet. The containers are just above ground, and the first branches with leaves on are about 1.5 meters above the layer. I will...
  7. T

    Air Layering Crimson Queen?

    Hi, I’m Dane, This is my first post here, so tell me if I’m doing something wrong. Anyway, I recently got a grafted Japanese Maple ‘Crimson Queen’ from my local garden center, and I have a couple questions about it. First off I live in Zone 10 (a or b, I don’t know), Glendale, LA County, in...
  8. S

    Air Layering and Checking for Roots

    I'm trying to air layer my Japanese Maple tree and I want to check for roots. However, the person that helped me used black duck tape around the bag, so taking the tape off will tear the bag. FYI, please don't let the camera distract anyone.
  9. S

    Liquidambar without branches

    I have a very old liquidambar that stopped producing low branches. How do I get more lower branches? Can it handle topping off? I can also air layer the top if the bottom will grow new branches.
  10. Clicio

    Will it die?

    So I have this fussy Leptospermum (NZTeatree) that's tall, but full of branches. One of the options I have is air layering the trunk midway instead of chopping it and throwing the top away. Two trees is doubling the fun! Again, there is plenty of foliage down and up from the possible place for...
  11. K

    When to air layer?

    So I have some large pines in my tree as well as what I think is a maple which is right up against the house so it will definitely have to be taken out at some point but I was wondering when should I try to air layer it? I’ve never done it before but figured it would be a good time to try...
  12. j evans

    Mature Elm Air Layering

    I purchased a bag of Perlite last year and was all set to go air layering. Well as we all do I didn't get around to it. This spring I have located several older elms that I have permission to do air layering on. Reading quote a few of these posts I still have a few questions. Using these...
  13. ConorDash

    Large Wisteria Air layer

    Hello, I thought I would get some peoples thoughts on air layering a few parts of this large, older Asian Wisteria that my neighbour has but is very much wildly growing over my side. Neighbours will be cutting it back but anything on my side, I can do whatever with and I have some rather large...
  14. parhamr

    Shishigashira project (air layering)

    I've wanted some fancy maple cultivars, so I trekked down to "Garden World" where premium landscaping trees are sold on consignment by local growers. For $75, I got a 6' tall Shishigashira Japanese Maple in a 6 gallon nursery can. It appears to be grafted about 5" above the soil line, but it's...
  15. RileyJFDB13

    Rosemary Repoting, Is it possible??

    From everything I have read everywhere the general consensus is that its darn near impossible to repot a rosemary or cut off thick roots without loosing the plant. This is extremely unfortunate as they have amazing trunks and live veins when very old. But in saying this there has to be a...
  16. Grant Hamby

    Shishigashira Air Layer Project

    I got this tree when I first started bonsai (last summer) from a local nursery. That was before I knew about weird grafts and long boring trunks, so this spring I tried to air layer it. I watched the Graham Potter video a couple times and then went to work. It's fall now and nothing but callous...
  17. Bonsai Hunter

    Double Air Layering On Same Trunk - Ficus Racemosa / Cluster Fig Tree

    Tree species : Air-Layering started on : Jan 25, 2016 Having read & seen lot of air-layering examples online in late 2015, I was wondering if double air layering on same trunk was possible, out of curiosity. Though some said it is possible, I could...
  18. ConorDash

    Pyracantha Air Layer

    Hello, Not expecting a great deal of comments, as there isn't much to say about it yet really! This is an air layer I started nearly 10 weeks ago, and what its roots currently look like. I did worry that they aren't quite the colour of roots I was expecting but, I leave that to better minds...
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