Squirrels and other Varmints


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Alexandria, VA
Does anyone else have the problem of squirrels (and maybe other critters) digging into the soil of their trees? What can be done about this scourge? Thanks in advance.
We have 2 cats that live in our yard. They are pets so we do feed and care for them, but one of their jobs is to chase away varmints and snakes. Over the last several years they have done an excellent job!
YES. They dig my flowers up, dig in my pots. Last fall when I brought the trops in, there were random seedlings coming up from crap they buried in the pots. Can't shoot them, neighbors in close proximity, besides there's just to many of them.
I would love to pop a cap in their ass, but like Carol 83, too many neighbors nearby. And then there's the illegality of it here in the "city".

I've trapped a bunch. I've dusted soil surfaces with cayenne. It works, until the rain comes. I've also covered soil surfaces with wire mesh. That works well, except it's a hassle, and somewhat costly. The problem persists.

It just seemed to me that the boards here are full of myriad "problems" relating to this art form, and varmint issues are rarely mentioned. That made me wonder if I'm just unlucky or doing something wrong.

Thanks for the opinions and ideas.
Does anyone else have the problem of squirrels (and maybe other critters) digging into the soil of their trees? What can be done about this scourge? Thanks in advance.
Squirrels and birds. Food source, organic fertilizer and insects attracted to same. My buddy says the birds at his place can excavate Bonsai soil amazingly well when after ants,grubs etc. The squirrel is not fond of my slingshot:eek:. I always seem to miss so i am not sure why it bothers him;).
other smaller birds at my place do an amazing job of keeping insects down among the trees. Junco's , wren's, warblers etc.
I used to have a problem with them. They love to dig holes in potting soil but I have found they totally ignore my inorganic bonsai soil mixes. Thank god or I would have ditched the hobby. I still get them nibbling on bark occasionally, and i can't grow moss on anythign or they start digging below it but I think you'll find even if you add a layer of lava rock or whatever kind of gravel to the soil surface they'll leave it alone. It has worked for me for years. I have had MANY apartments and now a house so this theory has held true through different squirrel clans acorss my city
With the location being Texas, perhaps it is only the mosquito's that are digging in the pots:cool:. Whatever it is they seem determined and prefer the organic soil. Time for the crittercam brigade.
Squirrels! They keep coming back to eat all my acorns. I have to say they devoured at least 500 oak seedlings that I planted.... Organic soil or not. They are willing to dig for food.
The cats are good here. They had two about a year ago and one escaped. I saw a squirel skeleton hanging from an elder tree once it's leaves had dropped.

One of my mates used lions sh*t to keep cats off, might work. There are those sonic things to scare them off. My mate has one for cats but keeps badgers and foxes are bay too.

Could try raising the pots. I have moved pots before and had good results with birds. Alternate food sources too.

Unfortunately the UK is so toothless that not many people can afford the time or money to own a decent firearm here. Air pistols at a measly 12ftlb is all we can have without a firearms license. Even any air rifle over 12 ftlb requires requires a license and random yearly house inspections to see if you are storing it in the requisite certified, secured and locked gun cabinet ?
Squirrels! They keep coming back to eat all my acorns. I have to say they devoured at least 500 oak seedlings that I planted.... Organic soil or not. They are willing to dig for food.

Same here. Li'l bastard found the acorns I was stratifying and ate them all. He went out to my pots and ate them on top of the pots, so I could see the shells when I went out into the garden.
I could tell which one did it, too. Only fat squirrel in the state in February. He kept coming back to inspect the garden and taunt me.
Same here. Li'l bastard found the acorns I was stratifying and ate them all. He went out to my pots and ate them on top of the pots, so I could see the shells when I went out into the garden.
I could tell which one did it, too. Only fat squirrel in the state in February. He kept coming back to inspect the garden and taunt me.
The anger level at that time was high but after a few days later I calm down. At that time, I really wanted to burn that bastard so bad.
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