Is there ever a good pairing with a stark white pot


Neagari Gal
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NE Ohio: zone 4 (USA) lake microclimate
image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg Love the shape...but thought it was an off white/cream pot. Learning later it's not. But curious if it would work with another planting option than my original thought. (Close up is the actual shade of white)

Had planned for this lilac eventually...but, feel it maybe just to stark and distracting. Are there any options for such a lovely shaped stark white pot?
I'd imagine a pink bougainvillea wouldn't look to bad in white.
I think perhaps a cherry blossom. Akebono, Yoshino or Kojo No Mai might be nice. The blossoms vary by cultivars, some deep pink to a soft delicate white.

Also I am sure that white glaze will mellow with age. In some cases white glazes age toward the grey scale, in others they go more towards a cream.

Good luck.
You mentioning mellowing with age...has me thinking it may be a pot worth keeping and just sticking it out in the weather until I'm read for it. Thanks!
Leave it outside under the bench where you keep your trees and periodically wipe it down with oil...any oil. It helps the patina develop.
That surprised me...wiping it down with oil...I would assume it would wash away the patina. Thanks for the advice!
Apparently, the periodic application of oil to the pot will trap microscopic particles on the surface. Over time, this accumulation of material results in what we call patina. Fwiw, I was told to lightly wash away the obvious dirt and debris on the pot before applying the oil.
I would also suggest a nice Pinot Grigio as a pairing with this pot...keeping it with the whites and all that.....enjoy!
I like Japanese maples and Tridents in white/light colored pots myself. If you had a red leaf maple that would look great. It's not THAT stark either- though I can't remember seeing any bonsai pot 'Made in Italy' - cool!
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