Zone 10 Japanese Maple

It's Kev

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GuangZhou 广州
I’ve got 10 of these right outside my dorm.
I never really bothered with them but now I’m getting curious whether I could pull it off.
Now, I figured it might be too hot but then I remembered that if you pot a tree it jumps down 2 zones. I can clearly see that the trees that get some afternoon shade do better than the rest that get their shade way later in the day. They get blasted with full morning sun and then there’s a building to the left that shades it after 2pm or so. You can clearly see that the ones with more foliage get better shade and the sparsely leafed trees get roasted in the afternoons
Here’s a quick leaf sample. Of the many different types of JM I’d like to know exactly which type these are.A205A5A8-2DEB-42D7-95D7-E36D0902FDBB.jpeg
And best time for cuttings? Every time I do some research I get different answers. Some say late autumn, some say winter, some say spring, and some say anytime.
And best time for cuttings? Every time I do some research I get different answers. Some say late autumn, some say winter, some say spring, and some say anytime.
For me it is so-called semi-hardwood. Acer palmatum produces an initial flush and growth extension by sometime in late May here. Cuttings taken at the end of May or early June root best for me. A.p. will affect another surge in growth that ends around August that should root equally well or maybe even better, but I've never gotten roots before leaf drop in my cool climate - maybe you can.
@0soyoung well, that’s why I was all over your terrarium posts yesterday. I slammed a few hardwood-ish cuttings in a jar with some soil. Figured if I have many trees, I can keep trying at different times of the year and see when they’ll take. I got permission for cuttings but not for air layers. And all the trees I found online are grafted trees, I’m not too keen on that either.
Update, I put more cuttings in a far of water around the same time and kinda forgot about them. But then I noticed this...
Are these white spots gonna be roots?
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