
You get almost the same results from the Rootpouch. Root Makers have their pouch/bag system as well. They also sell the fabric in a 36"x10 yard piece, which will be my next by for next repotting season. This is the system created by Dr. Carl E. Whitcomb.

So all that clover that takes over my plants can actually be a good thing??? 🤔😵‍💫
In a perfect system, yes.
In a pot, all the nitrogen that gets fixated either stays fixated, or leeches just to be fixated by more clover bacteria.
These bacteria outcompete plants, that's why plants use them.
Put the clovers in your lawn, there they'll be beneficial. In a pot, the opposite could be true.
So all that clover that takes over my plants can actually be a good thing??? 🤔😵‍💫

You're also supposed to chop em and drop em before they flower/seed or they use up the nitrogen themselves.

@Cajunrider kinda makes ANY regular pot for training....kinda damn stupid!
If I wasn't convinced before, which I was, I'm certainly convinced now! Extra convinced!

@Vik250 @cmeg1

@everyone else starting seeds .....
Summon a seed starter.....

This video may start at the right 17 minuteish The "caste wall" part ...

How the seedlings get protected with a coating of microbes upon exiting living dirt.

That's why big ag pushes a sterile environment and starting indoors.

FF that.

@Vik250 @cmeg1

@everyone else starting seeds .....
Summon a seed starter.....

This video may start at the right 17 minuteish The "caste wall" part ...

How the seedlings get protected with a coating of microbes upon exiting living dirt.

That's why big ag pushes a sterile environment and starting indoors.

FF that.

Thank You Sir as Always!! :-)
Thank You Sir as Always!! :-)

I had a gander at these squash I have that came up through my "fully alive" garden bed, as opposed to "semi alive" indoor soil.

They seem to be budding, possibly flowers already, at the friggin Cotyledon nodes. It's, pardon my language, fucking incredible! I've never seen such bitching compact growth on anything.

Sorry, validation makes me cuss!

They're all doing quite well in different places but...
Indoor Start, least sun northeastside house corner, maybe pumpkin.

Maybe pumpkin in the front west exposure, indoor start, lotta spring afternoon sunn but the trees leafed up now. Mad flower already.

Squash in the front one steppe below the above.
Direct sowed.

This is the one in the soil so alive I had shrooms already. In the backyard bed with the most sun exposure.

It hasn't even hit about 4in!


That's a bad 1st pic last post, you kinda gotta zoom to see the cotyledon bud but it's there.


This problem affects us here the same as it effects everyone else divided in the world currently.

I'm not on sides because I been searching for that higher truth.

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