Daniel son STL
Surprisingly their wasn’t much of a root ball, well either that or it all fell off. Some fine riots were caught in the matting. I really hope it survives. This is my biggest tree by far. it’s basically a finished bonsai aside from having to regrow the roots and add some wire. Brought it inside last night bc temps were dropping to just freezing. I had trouble getting this bad boy through my door! At first I had it slanted more for a cascade style. I can pretty much go any direction with the style of this tree. So many many branches and dead wood. I imagine this juniper is at least 20 years old in the ground it’s entire life.
Spent 3 hours pruning foliage back do to the loss of roots, just don’t think I took off enough so I expect some die back. It’s anchored down as well as I could get and i put it in almost all Akadama with a bit of pine bark bc that’s all I had on me.
Any advise guys? I know I’m in over my head on this one. I’ve collected a few junipers this season with success, but they’re about 1/100 the size of this one lol
Next to a cpl of the photos is another roadside junny I collected a cpl weeks ago. Bit of a size difference there!!!
Spent 3 hours pruning foliage back do to the loss of roots, just don’t think I took off enough so I expect some die back. It’s anchored down as well as I could get and i put it in almost all Akadama with a bit of pine bark bc that’s all I had on me.
Any advise guys? I know I’m in over my head on this one. I’ve collected a few junipers this season with success, but they’re about 1/100 the size of this one lol
Next to a cpl of the photos is another roadside junny I collected a cpl weeks ago. Bit of a size difference there!!!
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