Worth reading. An interview with Ryan Neal.

Great read!

One of the most important takeaways I think we can all get from that article is not just the parts about "demystifying" bonsai and improving fundamentals, but the quote that meant a lot to me and really pointed out an error I think a lot of Americans make as we try to learn this art:
"...each artist, each bonsai garden, each individual has a style and an approach that’s as unique to them as it is to their culture."

A lot of times people act like MY WAY IS RIGHT, YOURS IS WRONG! Or "my soil/ fertilizer/ pruning technique... Is the ONLY way it should be done".. BS. Everybody has a similar goal- to create a nice Bonsai- but the way we get there and frequently the end results are quite different at times!

Thanks for posting this!
I like - "Humility, seeing yourself as you really are – the good and the bad – is critical to bettering yourself. This requires daily reflection and practice. It means taking time each day to improve upon those weaknesses."

Exactly! Anyone who has met Ryan knows what a bright, perceptive guy he is. The few people who I've seen trash him on this site clearly don't know him.
I like all his answers to the questions, and he sounds like a very humble bonsai artist I'd want to meet.
Exactly! Anyone who has met Ryan knows what a bright, perceptive guy he is. The few people who I've seen trash him on this site clearly don't know him.

I agree 100%. I've been fortunate to take workshops with a number of people over the years, and I would put his at the top of the list. He knows his stuff, is a great teacher, and is just a down to earth very nice guy.
Haven't met him nor taken any of his workshops, but I have seen him do several demos and symposium lectures (along with youtube videos). Seems very knowledgeable and is able to convey information effectively.

Lots of good quotes in the article. I like "There is room for every attempt and artistic exploration."


"People assume too much when they think that whatever they think matters, really, when it comes down to bonsai."
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Great interview, and consistent with my experience with Ryan, I'm heading back out there 7/10 for my third course in Junipers. His fund of knowledge and ability to explain concepts is very impressive...heck, we spend a good day simply doing lectures. And his philosophy of putting the trees health first is something I think we all need to heed to occasionally (I can speak for myself at least ;) )

Thanks PaulH for posting, I hadn't seen this one.

What I like about Ryan is he is very low-key and unassuming. For someone with his experience level, he is extremely approachable.
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