Wishing you all a great 2021

Carol 83

Flower Girl
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Never in the past would I be sitting on the couch on my computer on New Year's Eve. I was just painfully reminded of that by a text from one of my best friends. We have probably spent the last 30 New Year's Eves together with our spouses and friends. Not this year. It has certainly been a challenge for the entire world. My deepest sympathies to all of those that have lost loved ones to COVID, or to anything else for that matter. I am very thankful that my family is healthy, my sister had it, but is fine now. I just got some really good news about a potentially serious health issue myself, so I am ending this year on a happy note and looking forward to the new year. Wishing you all the best in the coming year. And happy trees! (Channeling Bob Ross). :)
@Carol 83: I'm glad to hear that you and your family are doing well. 2020 has been a rollercoaster of a year, but know that I wish you and everyone else here on the forum a Happy New Year.
I can't feel my face right now and I like it!! Happy New Year, good riddance to 2020, and here's to a more socially relaxed mid to late 2021!!
Lol, I had a friend who always said "I can't feel my teeth" whenever she got drunk. 🍻
Happy New Year to all of you! I hope 2021 brings happiness, love, peace, and fortune for every one of you!... and some success with your trees!

Who is Mrs B lol.
Ok ..something is seriously wrong with me, every time you make a post in my head im thinking its Judy B and vice versa ...maybe I have delirium???. This is not the first time either..its so weird. My deepest apology and Happy New year to you and your family CAROL.
It was indeed a weird year. And I'm sure it won't be the last.
But there were also good happenings ... for some this was the time of rediscovery of quality time ... and for me this was the year in which I discovered a new hobby and a warm, supportive community here on BN.
I wish you all a happy, successful, but above all healthy 2021 and off course... happy bonsai

I too wish all you people a happy, eventful and healthy 2021.
I hope you can do the things you love doing, or love the things you can do.
Currently on antibiotics so couldn't indulge as much as I would have like to drink 2020 away.
It certainly has been a dark year for many reasons.
We have nowhere to go but up and lets hope that up slope and the light at the end of the tunnel starts happening soon.

Praying 2021 is nothing but improvement from here on
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