Why is the maple being injected to see the fluid flow?

Jose Fonseca

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Hi Bonsai Family,

While doing work on some of my maples I was watching youtube and a video played and showed the bonsai artist injecting the maple with fluid and watching see where the fluid was coming out from. My question, what is the reason for this? And why before he repotting it?

Here is the video he starts to inject the maple around 45 seconds in.
Haha I love the Channel!! Why does it look like he's injecting heroine into a maple tree heheheh... it even looked like he tied off the trees arm with a wire 😳 I'm going straight to hell 😂 but my guess would be some kinda of antibiotics or something.. I know that they do injections on sick trees but that's way beyond my pay grade... as you can see from my comment.
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watching see where the fluid was coming out from. My question, what is the reason for this?
The auto-translated captions aren’t much help but do have the word “bug”. Maybe they are treating it for an insect borer that has channeled up and down. It will be interesting to hear from someone that can properly translate it. Thanks for sharing.
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