Why are my Fukien tea flowers turning brown so quickly?

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Memphis, TN
I have a Fukien tea that has started to bloom. The flowers turn out almost a pure white color, but some of them are turning to a light brow


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Flowers don't really like the moisture.
Oh, okay! So should I just avoid misting all together including the leaves? I only ask because I’m thinking it might be difficult to mist the leaves without getting some mist on the flowers. Thanks so much for the tip!!
I still have some tropicals and did have a Fukien when I first started. I don't mist, just makes a mess and is not all that effective in my opinion.
Better it grew the more problems I would run into. Growth is pretty tight naturally, applying bonsai techniques makes the growth that much more dense.
And bugs like nice tight growth indoors as much as they like the same outdoors!
If your having some success with misting, or "think" you are, I'd continue, but know the flowers will brown with water exposure.

Me? I'd introduce it to the garbage.:( But the flowers are "fun". Mine grew ok to good, but slow to trunk up and wooly aphids find these irresistible....scale, mites....you name it!!:mad::mad:

Keep at it. But if you have other trees indoors, I might separate them.

If you like it, don't worry what meatknuckles like me say....;):oops::D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
I still have some tropicals and did have a Fukien when I first started. I don't mist, just makes a mess and is not all that effective in my opinion.
Better it grew the more problems I would run into. Growth is pretty tight naturally, applying bonsai techniques makes the growth that much more dense.
And bugs like nice tight growth indoors as much as they like the same outdoors!
If your having some success with misting, or "think" you are, I'd continue, but know the flowers will brown with water exposure.

Me? I'd introduce it to the garbage.:( But the flowers are "fun". Mine grew ok to good, but slow to trunk up and wooly aphids find these irresistible....scale, mites....you name it!!:mad::mad:

Keep at it. But if you have other trees indoors, I might separate them.

If you like it, don't worry what meatknuckles like me say....;):oops::D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
All great tips! Thank you!! ☺️
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