Hello, I recieved my 3yr old Gardenia Bonsai for my birthday in April while we lived in Northern California. Two months ago we moved to Chehalis Wa Zone 8a. Since we moved my poor bonsai has grown this white moldy growth across the base of her soil. I water her weekly by placing her in the black pot shown in the pic just as she is in the pic for 20-30 min. I recently stopped misting her daily as the nursery here told me she does not like to be misted contrary to most articles Ive read. She stays in a southern facing window in the hotel we are in until we go back to California in October. I have not fed her anything other than miracle grow bloom builder once every other month. Im open to any suggestions, Im hopelessly in love with my gardenia, they are known for abundance which was the reason my husband bought her for me. She represents the abundant love I have in my family. Needless to say she means the world to me. I purchased a wider more shallow pot and Bonsai soil to repot if needed. The pot shown is the one she came in.