where to get raw rough large juniper for long term work

Bryan Ruznik

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I'm always trying to find pre bonsai junipers that are a big mess. I'm looking to add dead wood I sculpt for phoenix graft to produce some large wild looking pieces for install on a deck I'm building in my backyard. Not intended for traditional bonsai. Just fun and then see where they go in the future. Any ideas out there on places to look?
Yea I plan to get back to hunting in the spring but I'm not going to steal prom peoples landscaping and the nurseries here in buffalo are a long shot. Trying to find other sources whenever possible.
Yea I plan to get back to hunting in the spring but I'm not going to steal prom peoples landscaping and the nurseries here in buffalo are a long shot. Trying to find other sources whenever possible.
I wasn't suggesting you steal...sheesh. People go on Craigslist all the time to find unwanted trees available to dig, for free, from folk's yards. If you see a tree that you like while driving around town, you can actually stop, knock on the door and ask...and you can even offer to replace it with something newer. The worst they can do is say "no".
Ok haha I definitley misunderstood that. thought it seemed a little strange. But yea all good ideas. thanks
I checked with local guys that do stump grinding. Removing bushes and over grown junipers is their best business. They go in and chainsaw the growth down and then grind the stump away to just below the soil surface. They have no interest in keeping the bush or juniper. I let a couple of them know that when they get that bush customer I'd go and remove the planting for my keeping. Then they complete the resurfacing work to fill the hole. Requires flexibility for availability though. They usually know their work about one or two weeks ahead.
Find a landscaper that does installations. Get a relationship with people who are taking out plants and renovating. One of my best free sources over the years was a landscaper who was always trying to salvage any plant.
The worst they can do

Or shoot you!


Those big Junipers are sooooo 1960's!

A lot of people probly want them gone...
But don't have the $ to remove them!

Welcome to Crazy!

Friend of mine had a 20ft spruce cut out of the yard for Xmas tree once.

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