Where can I see the 4th U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition Award Winners


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Richardson Texas
Anyone know where I can see who won awards at the 4th U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition ? And hopefully pictures of the trees.

It was a fantastic show. I can only imagine what a challenge it was to judge.

The Sharp's Pygmy maple that won "best deciduous" was one of the best Japanese maples I've seen. The branch structure underneath all that foliage looked very natural...would love to see it in winter. The other one that stood out to me was the pine that won the Yoshimura award.

There were a number of beautiful specimens of boulevard cypress (Cham. pisifera 'boulevard'), a bunch of buttonwoods, and a really nice, smallish coast redwood from Chicago. Too many others to list...sensory overload occurred.

I'd encourage everyone to consider purchasing the album (and no, I have no financial incentive) so you can enjoy the trees. I have the albums from the 2nd and 3rd exhibitions and they are definitely worth the price.

It was a fantastic show. I can only imagine what a challenge it was to judge.

The Sharp's Pygmy maple that won "best deciduous" was one of the best Japanese maples I've seen. The branch structure underneath all that foliage looked very natural...would love to see it in winter. The other one that stood out to me was the pine that won the Yoshimura award.

There were a number of beautiful specimens of boulevard cypress (Cham. pisifera 'boulevard'), a bunch of buttonwoods, and a really nice, smallish coast redwood from Chicago. Too many others to list...sensory overload occurred.

I'd encourage everyone to consider purchasing the album (and no, I have no financial incentive) so you can enjoy the trees. I have the albums from the 2nd and 3rd exhibitions and they are definitely worth the price.


Where/How do you purchase the album?
Hey Chris, did you not know that Mach5, a member here is the exhibitor of that maple that won? He has a thread on it that has many good photos of the tree in many different seasons, and color. Page 2 near the end has the exhibit photo.


I did not realize that - thanks for the link! And congratulations to MACH5, as I said earlier - beautiful tree!

Where/How do you purchase the album?

I sent an email to Bill asking about that as I didn't see any place to pre-order it on his website. Will let you know what I hear (or perhaps Bill will respond directly).

Anyone know where I can see who won awards at the 4th U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition ? And hopefully pictures of the trees.


There was an extreme amount of work done to put on this show over the last several weeks, judging from the post Bill V. has made recently. Be patient, and give him a chance to recuperate and to produce the albums. they are normally available at http://www.internationalbonsai.com/
Yep, heard back from Bill...right now there is no way to pre-order from the website but it will be updated in the next few days and he'll let people know.

Previous albums (at least from the second and third exhibitions) can be found at http://www.internationalbonsai.com/store/1708315/National_Exhibition/album.html

My recollection from the last exhibition was that the album itself wasn't printed and distributed until about December, roughly 6 months after the exhibition. Each photo must be meticulously edited and adjusted to correct for color and lighting, remove glare/artifacts, etc. I was involved with the photography during the show and the photographer mentioned that on average, each image requires several hours of post-processing work. Then proofing, etc. But it's worth the wait, the resulting images are beautiful and each image has a description of the tree, its history, etc.

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While you're waiting, consider buying the first three albums. I have them all and together they are a wonderful collection. I can't wait for the fourth to come out.

Video Coming Soon

I was fortunate to spend the weekend at the show. Not sure when it will be available, but Bjorn was shooting the footage, over the course of the event, for a documentary!! I don't know any details about when or how it will become available....sorry

Bill graciously offered me permission to make my own video. Knowing the photo restrictions, I really didn't come prepared to make the most of this opportunity, but I just had to do something! I shot several Gbs of freehand footage with my iPhone. When finished, the video will be posted on my youtube channel. It will be only be a very small sampling of what was an event brimming with professionalism, amazing trees, and a who's who of Bonsai people.

I suspect it will take a few more days before I'll have something for Bill to approve, but after that I will make a post to share.


and just one last thing:)
I know this is the wrong the thread, but I just have to say congrats to MACH5...his tree and display were just flawless to my eye!! He's as humble and kind in person as he is on this site! As was Brian Van Fleet! His hawthorn is even better in person! Very sweet tree! Great work guys!!

Enjoyed meeting you both!
I was fortunate to spend the weekend at the show. Not sure when it will be available, but Bjorn was shooting the footage, over the course of the event, for a documentary!! I don't know any details about when or how it will become available....sorry

Bill graciously offered me permission to make my own video. Knowing the photo restrictions, I really didn't come prepared to make the most of this opportunity, but I just had to do something! I shot several Gbs of freehand footage with my iPhone. When finished, the video will be posted on my youtube channel. It will be only be a very small sampling of what was an event brimming with professionalism, amazing trees, and a who's who of Bonsai people.

I suspect it will take a few more days before I'll have something for Bill to approve, but after that I will make a post to share.


and just one last thing:)
I know this is the wrong the thread, but I just have to say congrats to MACH5...his tree and display were just flawless to my eye!! He's as humble and kind in person as he is on this site! As was Brian Van Fleet! His hawthorn is even better in person! Very sweet tree! Great work guys!!

Enjoyed meeting you both!

Thank you John! The pleasure was all mine. I am so happy I got to meet you. I have admired your work and respected your knowledge for a long time now. I look forward to the video!

Cheers! :D
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