Mike Corazzi
I primarily use lava with a ....little.... organic stuff. And some charcoal and bone meal.
I don't even know if freezing should be a concern.
I have heard that pines don't mind freezing solid in the winter although I've always covered the pots.
I have had lousy results from akadama but for reasons other than freezing.
How does turface or more organic soil work? I would GUESS the organic would freeze easier due to water retention but then I started thinking about CIRCULATION of freezing air through lava.
I don't even know if freezing should be a concern.
I have heard that pines don't mind freezing solid in the winter although I've always covered the pots.
I have had lousy results from akadama but for reasons other than freezing.
How does turface or more organic soil work? I would GUESS the organic would freeze easier due to water retention but then I started thinking about CIRCULATION of freezing air through lava.