What is this on my Loropetalum??


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New Orleans
This crusty dark bark-ey substance forms on the smallest to largest cuts I make. Really unseemly I just can’t seem to make a cut without getting this from forming on the limb. Any idea why this forms? I have seen friends’ loropetalums that don’t have this showing up. I’ve also flaked it off only to have if return IMG_4553.jpeg
I think this is black knot, there is a fungal black knot and a bacterial. I would say the latter because of the species. You need to take down below the lowest gall, and coat with bactericide so spores can't get on other things. If you can't take it down low, move to quarantine and wrap with gauze to treat with spray, and spray every plant that was surrounding with dilute lysol or bleach solution, even antibaccterial essential oils in agricultural soap after every rain for at least a month.
What is on the tree it is under? Got any olives trees? They too are prone to both.
No olive trees around just another loropetalum that i am developing that has these same knots forming after pruning of branches.
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