What do you guys have in the 'pipeline' for propagation or collection right now (air layers, cuttings, yamadori?)


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Southeast Florida
Just wanted to get a general thread going where people post about their current propagation projects or recent collections for general discussion!
I have these bougies
This Singapore holly air layer
Two barbados cherry air layers

And a few others that I need to photograph! I'm curious to see what you guys are propagating, I saw @leatherback's zelkova air layer! hoping for healthy roots for all!
Last year I made a bunch of cuttings and ended up giving most of them away. I just don't have room for them in the winter and want to concentrate on working on my trees and maybe getting a couple nicer ones. I do intend to take some azalea cuttings.
I have 2-3 30 year old yews I need to dig up.

Im also setting a dozen air layers tomorrow.

2 fireglow maples
3 green jap maples
2 Japanese snow bells
Crab Apple
Yoshino Cherry
Couple American Hornbeams
2 Zelkova
2-3 American Elms
Bald Crypress

Now to figure out where to put them all ;-)
I just girdled a branch on a JWP today. I'm leaving it uncovered to dry out the cambium layer overnight. I'll wrap it up tomorrow to air layer it. I've also got a crab apple in the yard that I intend to air layer, but not until at least next year. I already did the chop above where I want to layer and wired out a couple branches. I want to let them grow out while still attached to the main tree and get pretty far along in healing the chop before I eventually do the air layering.

Aside from that, I have no plans for further propagation. I've got enough trees. I think I've reached the point where implementing a one out for every one in policy for my collection is key to keeping the hobby manageable and enjoyable.
I've got a few cuttings going - some ficus and sambac jasmine from my bonsai in training. I've also got a Suriname cherry cutting from the neighbour's tree that hung just far enough over the fence for me to legally chop it 😉... and a purple bougainvillea. All of the above very tiny, so in the meantime I will continue to survey the local nurseries for material.
I saw @leatherback's zelkova air layer! hoping for healthy roots for all!
OK, I'll play..

4 Arakawa airlayers
1 deshojo airlayer
2 "pink maple" (seigen?) airlayers
1 tray of deshojo cuttings
1 tray of arakawa cuttings
1 tray of ittoigawa cuttings
Black pine seedlings
2 zelkova airlayers
2 pots of cork-bark elm cuttings
1 pot of larch cuttings
1 pot of hawthorn cuttings

I *think* that is it at the moment
I need to try and attempt an air layer on a 'Flakey' Fir. I'll do a branch this year that I don't plan on using. If it takes by at least the Fall of 2024, I'll try the trunk. If that doesn't work then I'll just seal it up real good and have it as a really nice garden specimen. I planted an extended new growth that broke off into my cuttings pot. I don't have hopes, but it would be great if it took.

I need to start an airlayer on a Japanese maple and some sort of Malus.

I have a few dozen lavender cuttings in the works (I just can't stop myself. Send help.)

I have a single blueberry cutting that made it out of my 10 or so.

Several of my Podocarpus lawrencii 'Red Tip's finally took after probably a full year. So I need to get those sorted out sooner rather then later.

I planted some cotoneaster cuttings last week. Not sire if they will take or not in general, but I figured why not. It either does or doesn't.
Air Layers on
Acer palmatum and Deshojo
Hebe parvifolia longifolia
Escallonia iveyii
Just about to separate and pot up last years airlayer Potentilla
Potting on last years Acer Deshojo cuttings.......Im running out of space and pots!
Acer palmatum collected as seedlings;
Acer rubrum from seeds;
Carpinus caroliniana collected as seedlings;
Fagus grandifolia collected as seedlings;
Ginkgo biloba from seeds;
Juniperus chinensis from cuttings;
Juniperus horizontalis from ground-layered branches;
Lagerstroemia hybrid from cuttings;
Pinus echinata from seeds;
Quercus palustris from seeds;
Quercus alba from seeds;
Quercus robur from seeds;
Taxus baccata from seeds; and
Ulmus americana from seeds.
I have quite a few Colorado Blue Spruce and One Seed Juniper yamadori that are due for work soon(soon as in next spring). Also, there is one Douglas Fir that I did not get to which is definitely ready to be worked on(I’ll like place initial structure this Fall).

Colorado Blue Spruce(most are likely ready for an initial styling next spring)



Two one seed junipers. The first will be styled this fall(maybe spring depending on how the growing season goes) and the second will be left to grow for a couple of years as grafts take.


Might have a handful of other yamadori but they won’t be ready to be worked on for at least 2-3 years.
Got some new stuff in the pipeline yesterday

I was going for a walk around 9pm (with my branch cutters in my pocket of course!) and a bougie branch from the swale hit me on the head! That branch paid the ultimate price! 4 more cuttings. Less than an inch thick, but viable 🤣
malpighia coccigera air layer
This 10" bougie chunk looks like it's gonna make it. Humidity has been high, forgiving for the transpiration loss.
bougie chop.jpghere
I have quite a few Colorado Blue Spruce and One Seed Juniper yamadori that are due for work soon(soon as in next spring). Also, there is one Douglas Fir that I did not get to which is definitely ready to be worked on(I’ll like place initial structure this Fall).

Colorado Blue Spruce(most are likely ready for an initial styling next spring)

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Two one seed junipers. The first will be styled this fall(maybe spring depending on how the growing season goes) and the second will be left to grow for a couple of years as grafts take.

View attachment 489590View attachment 489593

Might have a handful of other yamadori but they won’t be ready to be worked on for at least 2-3 years.
DAMN!!! looking forward to followups on these!
Bougie and crepe myrtle cuttings. 5 landscape privet dug out, one boxwood. Several cuttings from something called Polygala. Nice purple flowers but may never be bonsai.
Got a handful of Bougie cuttings from last year but I think I'm going to lose about 30% of them due to a late cold/wet snap we had here.

Also, planted way too many coast live oak acorns this winter. I've got about 80 of them that sprouted. I need to figure out what to do with the big box of them, about 30-40 sprouted. I think it could make a cool forest in 5-10 years with the right training.

Got a handful of Bougie cuttings from last year but I think I'm going to lose about 30% of them due to a late cold/wet snap we had here.

Also, planted way too many coast live oak acorns this winter. I've got about 80 of them that sprouted. I need to figure out what to do with the big box of them, about 30-40 sprouted. I think it could make a cool forest in 5-10 years with the right training.

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In the coast live oak forest at the old Ft. Ord I'd guess more than half of the oaks are growing in clumps - 3 to 8 trees each. I've started using seedlings three or four years old to make clumps. The bases never really fuse, but the roots grow intertwined. Some look pretty good.
An acer palmatum air layer (cambium is starting to swell at the cut site finally)
Air layer of camellia japonicus
My partner is selling his home in 2 months and neglected to mention that someone had buried a small collection of junipers in his meditation garden! They look like they were bonsai at some point. I want to get them out of the ground this weekend. I’m thinking I’ll use a sturdy litter box. If I can get at least one out, I’ll post pictures.
A ground layer on an American hornbeam.
I’ve attempted by first air layers this spring. I did one juniper and 3 on the Japanese maple in the my yard. I’m really hoping they succeed as the maples will have some nice movement in the trunks.
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