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Caught up on a little pinching back on the maple. This thing took full advantage of us being gone for a week.

Broke off a few strong candles on this JRP. Glad to see it starting strong after the roots took a little heat stress last summer. Noted…

Started to break candles down to pairs on this JBP, ‘Arakawa’. Really love this phase.
Repotted my Christmas grocery store Dwarf Alberta. It wasn't draining well and was just a tangle of circling roots. I cleaned out as much old soil as I could and repotted into a plastic training pot. I read it was OK to repot now (new buds are just starting to emerge) but fall was a better time to wire. So, I'll just let it grow for the summer. Christmas DAS.jpgChrisrmas DAS repotted.jpg
Repotted one of mine too after seeing the post from @Carol 83
Wow, not sure it's going to make it. Talk about spiraling roots... This one had one giant snail root. Did not think I could cut it off at this point, but it made change planting angle from upright to slanted to keep that root level with the soil line.
On this one I got a bit too close to the new leader while peeling bark and it dried up. Raised the top branch instead.
Scared to touch my other two. They are doing well after initial wiring and popping buds all over.
Did rustic bird bafs while I was at it.
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Drove down to Hidden Gardens in Willowbrook because my fiancée was buying a drone in Illinois. Unfortunately they didn't really have anything out yet for the season. No pots or soil really for sale yet either so kinda a bust. I wandered through the greenhouse of trees that I assume were customer trees being borded for winter.

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This Water Jasmine is just wanting to grow up, probably because it is too tall and can't fit under the lights. It just get's lights shining up on it, although the one right next to it grows like a monster. Anyway, off with it's head. I trimmed it up a bit more after the picture. wjasmine.jpgwjasmine cut.jpg
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