What are these little things?

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Hi. Apologies if this is a very dumb question. I've had this Juniper for about a year and a half. I'm a beginner bonsai-er. I've just noticed these little bud/cone things appearing. I tried to google for an answer but can't figure it out. I think it's pretty healthy but... maybe not. Is my tree in trouble?

I'm in New Zealand so we are in the middle of a very hot summer at the moment if that comes into it.

Thanks. Pic below.

Man! I didn't realize how big the pussies were in NZ!

Welcome to Crazy!

Besides that huge cat.....you're not alone!

Female seed cones--no worries
Male pollen cones.
The female cones look somewhat like a flower, they're usually square-ish on top in most junipers and three times as small as the male cones. With some exceptions.

The male cones grow and open up, they then turn yellow and release their goods. Female cones stay the same shape.

I prefer having male junipers because the cones don't interfere much with the growing tips. Female cones do.
What I can add to this thread is: when the male cones start releasing pollen in clouds at the slightest touch, try to avoid breathing it in, it's not great for your lungs...(this is more relevant when working with bigger plants that can release surprisingly large amounts of pollen!)
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