What are these black bugs that my apple bonsai has? They only crawl around the pot and only around 3 or 4 on the actual bonsai.


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Hello everyone, my apple bonsai has these small insects that crawl around the pot and some on the tree. There are many ants crawling on the soil and a few on the tree. What are these?IMG_6920.jpg
Hard to get good clear photos of tiny bugs but my guess is they are aphids of some sort. More usual to find them on the leaves and new shoots but they sometimes they can wander about. Ants are a good indicator as they protect aphids to collect the sweet 'honeydew' the aphids produce.
I’m sure it’s tough but can you get a clearer photo? When you squish them are they soft bodied or is there a little crunch?
If it's an apple, they're likely aphids. Apples are bug magnets. As Shibui said, ants "farm" aphids for the secretions aphids produce.
Look like black aphids to me when I zoom in on the pot. Will definitely need to be treated.
Look like black aphids to me when I zoom in on the pot. Will definitely need to be treated.
But I cant find any on the leaves or the bonsai itself. All I can see is them crawling around the pot and ants on the soil. How can I treat this?
Hard to get good clear photos of tiny bugs but my guess is they are aphids of some sort. More usual to find them on the leaves and new shoots but they sometimes they can wander about. Ants are a good indicator as they protect aphids to collect the sweet 'honeydew' the aphids produce.
Do you know how to treat them as I can only find them on the pot and not on the tree itself. I applied insecticide all over the tree and pot but it didnt help. My other apple tree had already had aphids which I managed to treat but that was because they were on the leaves. How do I remove them if they are on the soil?
If they are not on the tree why are you worried? They can't hurt your tree if they are not even on it.
I would suggest a contact insecticide. Pyrethrum is a relatively safe option that should quickly kill aphids but you have to spray it onto the bugs for it to kill them.
There are some aphids that feed on the roots of plants. The root aphids I know are all white. You have not mentioned where you are so we can't be sure what types of bugs you might have in your area.
Obviously it is hard to spray pesticide onto bugs under the soil so a systemic insecticide is useful in that case. Not sure where you live so not sure if you can even buy systemics there.
If they are not on the tree why are you worried? They can't hurt your tree if they are not even on it.
I would suggest a contact insecticide. Pyrethrum is a relatively safe option that should quickly kill aphids but you have to spray it onto the bugs for it to kill them.
There are some aphids that feed on the roots of plants. The root aphids I know are all white. You have not mentioned where you are so we can't be sure what types of bugs you might have in your area.
Obviously it is hard to spray pesticide onto bugs under the soil so a systemic insecticide is useful in that case. Not sure where you live so not sure if you can even buy systemics there.
Thanks, I will contact a local bonsai nursery to get more specific information on the type of bugs
Yea looks like aphids to me too
Look at the plant under the leaves, around the bases of stems. Those are areas aphids like to hide and suck on the plant.
my apple bonsai has these small insects that crawl around the pot and some on the tree.
Where are you located? It's helpful if you add your area/USDA zone to your profile so that you can receive advice based on your location. That aside, they do look like black aphids. If they are aphids, this magical elixir will knock them out. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07S2WTS3R/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
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