Weird leaf from Boxwood trunk


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São Paulo, Brazil
I am very baffled with this; well below the trunk of this boxwood a new strange leaf is sprouting.
I made sure it is growing from the trunk, near the rootbase.
As a comparison I shot the picture with a regular leaf from the same boxwood, which is completely different.
Any hints? Picture below ->
Whoa that IS weird. Interesting. Could it be that some seed landed in a crevice of the trunk or root system and sprouted in there? Seems unlikely though.
Could it be that some seed landed in a crevice of the trunk or root system and sprouted in there?
That was my first thought. So I looked very close, and it seems (and I could be wrong, of course) it seems it is growing from the border between trunk and nebari. Really weird.
I made sure it is growing from the trunk, near the rootbase.

Easy - Let it grow and see what happens - I doubt it will hurt the plant in any way ;)

That is a piece of grass. The seed likely lodged in the bark of the boxwood and has had enough moisture to germinate. Remove it. It is a weed. left to grow its roots will push off the bark of the boxwood. Boxwood bark has deep crevices and sometimes flakes off partially, leaving gaps between it and the trunk of the plant. Not unusual to get this kind of thing.
That is a piece of grass. The seed likely lodged in the bark of the boxwood and has had enough moisture to germinate. Remove it. It is a weed. left to grow its roots will push off the bark...
Well, thanks guys! First thing wife said: "weed"! So... You must be right! :-)
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