Weeping Willow dying after transplanting - Need help!!


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Hey folks, last week i rescued a weeping willow from trash while i was out with my friends out of town. When i got back home, i immediately changed its soil and pruned its root not more than about 30%. It's been doing good for the few days but lately some foliage started the scorch and became crispy therefore the leaves started to fall down. At the same time remaining healty leaves became yellow and they also fell down in a matter of time. I checked out today and i guess it literally lost %80 of its foliage and i can see there are no healthy leaves left. Some of them still cripsy some of are yellow...

I know it's dying and i was planning on blind chop next year in the early spring to make it a bonsai but i wonder is there any chance i can make it live? Why is my tree doing this to me? Is it re-potting? Root pruning?

morning pictures : 3 days ago
night pictures : today


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Leaf drop is common after root pruning during the growing season as the tree tries to adjust transpiration of water through leaves to the amount of water coming in through the reduced roots.
The good news is that most trees survive this and produce new shoots after the roots have recovered.

Now some questions for information not included so far.
Where have you been keeping the tree? All photos appear to be inside a house. Trees don't usually do well indoors and changing leaves is a common reaction to a change in light levels when a tree is moved from good daylight to darker indoors. Yellow leaves is common where plants are not getting enough light.
Watering: Willows are obviously a tree that loves water. Leaves are the first to show signs of dehydration if the tree does not get enough water. After transplant, especially in the growing season and especially willow I would keep the pot well watered, even sitting in a shallow tray of water. Guessing Istanbul is quite hot and dry by now? Water could be the answer.

Final thought is that you don't know the previous history of the tree before your rescue. It may already have had some problems or even have been poisoned before it was thrown out. You can only cross fingers and hope that it is not suffering from something from before.

Good luck
Willows are pretty resilient trees. They grow roots very quickly. Give it time and keep it watered, not misted and in a shady area and it should bounce back.
Definitely... it's just shedding that coat because you "Ticked him off"..


It SHOULD be just fine.
Leaf drop is common after root pruning during the growing season as the tree tries to adjust transpiration of water through leaves to the amount of water coming in through the reduced roots.
The good news is that most trees survive this and produce new shoots after the roots have recovered.

Now some questions for information not included so far.
Where have you been keeping the tree? All photos appear to be inside a house. Trees don't usually do well indoors and changing leaves is a common reaction to a change in light levels when a tree is moved from good daylight to darker indoors. Yellow leaves is common where plants are not getting enough light.
Watering: Willows are obviously a tree that loves water. Leaves are the first to show signs of dehydration if the tree does not get enough water. After transplant, especially in the growing season and especially willow I would keep the pot well watered, even sitting in a shallow tray of water. Guessing Istanbul is quite hot and dry by now? Water could be the answer.

Final thought is that you don't know the previous history of the tree before your rescue. It may already have had some problems or even have been poisoned before it was thrown out. You can only cross fingers and hope that it is not suffering from something from before.

Good luck

Firstly, thank you for your answer i'm definetely relieved. I surely know that the leaf drop is a common problem after pruning hovewer in this case nearly all of the leaves are turned yellow and probably lost all of its foliage in probably 2 days. Still no new shoots.

Secondly, we have a small balchony located in south where all of my trees stored therefore they are all outside. For this case, i put my willow in a shadier spot where it only receives morning light and it is protected from winds. By the way, water is no concern because i literally water my trees every 2 days and my willow more in this scenario since as you said Istanbul is hot and dry nowadays.

I really don't know, i always check the plants before i take them to home even if i am buying them from nurseries. I checked every think from fungus to bugs from soil to pot and everything was ok to be honest. If that's not something from before than i should i be hopeful? Do you think it'll survive the transplant shock even if it looses all the leaves?
Willows are pretty resilient trees. They grow roots very quickly. Give it time and keep it watered, not misted and in a shady area and it should bounce back.
Already done it. Located outside in a shady place and the soil is moist all the time. The only concern i have is that the loss of all foliage..
Yea, it should survive if it looses all its leaves. When I propagate willows it always falls off. New growth won’t take too long to start popping out.
Good to know :) i'd like to propagate as well if i made it survive lol. They are good looking trees. By the way, thank you very much again
Good to know :) i'd like to propagate as well if i made it survive lol. They are good looking trees. By the way, thank you very much again
Propagation is very easy. Place cuttings in a glass of water and you should have roots within two weeks. Pot up and keep moist while roots get used to being in soil. Easy peasy.
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