Water jasmine intermediate leaf help!


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Fort Worth/ Haslet TX
I have a water jasmine I have recently recieved as a gift. I know they love full sun and a good watering but my water jasmine is dropping green leaves to the touch and some of the leaves are dried up and crunchy while others are full green and fine..how can I help this tree?
And as of today the bottom of the pads leaves are yellowing and dropping, as well as green leaves, I found a good branch on the back side that was completely dead. I got this bonsai from a friend who was moving away, the tree has always been here in Fort Worth tx and has had full sun with some shade at the beginning and end of the day, I have had this tree for exactly one week now, the decline started about 3 days ago,


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It was completely cloudy and rainy all last week up till about Wednesday and has been partly cloudy from Wednesday untill today with outside temperatures ranging from 70-85
I have one. Here, I have to bring it in for the winter which it didn't particularly care for too much. It's been outside for a few weeks now and growing like gang busters. They are thirsty plants, in my limited experience. Frankly, yours doesn't look that bad. Sounds like something must have changed in it's care to be dropping leaves.
so I’ve been watering it enough to make it completely moist and yes I do tilt my pot to make sure the water column in the bottom of the pot drains a little more to. How can I tell if I’m over watering this tree? I have a couple other trees that I water the same time as this tree but I do use more water on this jasmine mainly because the pot is way bigger..sorry I’m relatively knew to bonsai and have only been in it for roughly a year. This would be my first “tropical” tree
I just took this photo of one of the pads on the bottom, zoom in and you can see the leaves are shriveled up and fall off to the touch..what is causing this!??


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Did the previous owner tilt the pot?

Welcome to Crazy!

That could be enough water loss that would have normally gotten it through the day.

See he had it on a bonsai stand, (a 2x4 stand with a palet on top) and he said it wasn’t perfectly vertical. I’ve been tilting the pot because I didn’t know how susceptible they were to getting root rot… and I didn’t know if I’m giving it enough fertilizer. I’m using dyna gro bonsai pro 7-9-5 and putting a 1/4 teaspoon to a gallon of water..
The tree looks completely fine. I have a few of these... you could definitely air layer a few branches and make the tree a little bit more compact and not pom-pom like tree.
Update..this was on the bottom of the branch and I touched it and it fell off, don’t know if it was already damaged branch and just died off or what..
@namnhi im not totally confident in air layering this tree..I’ve seen Peter Chan’s (herons bonsai) videos on air layering and wouldn’t know how far to do it etc. I’m hoping to grow it out a little bit and potentially try to wire it to a more upright position but idk. Any suggestions?


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