Hey y'all,
This is my first post here, and already I have a sense that this is going to be a great place for information and art= win win!
My first question: whether or not to use cut paste for pines. I used cut paste (image attached) on my first Scots pine bonsai because...well I heard you're supposed to. It was a rather large branch cut and I guess it did it's job even though I had sap bleed through it for a few months. Now, a year into the art, I'm on the fence, as I see how the natural flow of sap acts as the trees own bandaid. What do y'all think about using cut paste on pines?
Second question: how does one remove said cut paste? Does it sluff off as bark grows in underneath it? Do you hack at it? Melt it?
Thanks for being an awesome community, I'll try to add a pic of the paste on the tree when I get home
This is my first post here, and already I have a sense that this is going to be a great place for information and art= win win!
My first question: whether or not to use cut paste for pines. I used cut paste (image attached) on my first Scots pine bonsai because...well I heard you're supposed to. It was a rather large branch cut and I guess it did it's job even though I had sap bleed through it for a few months. Now, a year into the art, I'm on the fence, as I see how the natural flow of sap acts as the trees own bandaid. What do y'all think about using cut paste on pines?
Second question: how does one remove said cut paste? Does it sluff off as bark grows in underneath it? Do you hack at it? Melt it?
Thanks for being an awesome community, I'll try to add a pic of the paste on the tree when I get home