Vitex Chaste Tree


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Pennsylvania, USA
I bought this in spring and it turned out to be my favorite one that I have.

I am also posting this for @milehigh_7 from whom I bought this from. Just letting him know that I did not kill it. I think he had it for for a long time.

I have just been letting it grow to get taper and also it was advice that I got.

Here is pics of it, I already started to develope a branch on the right side and I'm starting one on the left. It also is no longer vacant as someone is renting it for a small cost of pest control. And about time I see something I was hoping to see since I got it. I'm not sure if it will flower but it's something.

Yep, flowers are coming and it looks great! Just let it get nice and strong. Remember to cut off the flower after it blooms otherwise it will kind of stop growing for the season once seed pods form.
Yep, flowers are coming and it looks great! Just let it get nice and strong. Remember to cut off the flower after it blooms otherwise it will kind of stop growing for the season once seed pods form.

Yes I read that. I have to make sure I do that. I will either chop the top after this year's or next year's growth depending on taper, and plant the cutting.
I see why you like these so much. It is low maintanence I just fertilize it every 2 weeks and it is very drought resistant. The roots are just starting to poke out the bottom.
I'm so happy you like it! They are one of my favorites honestly. I do have to confess that I accomplished a 1st and 2nd-time event within the span of a few weeks. I managed to kill 2 really nice ones. Both had nearly 3" trunks. I did not know you could push them too hard. I believe they stayed too wet prior to new leaves popping and if new roots formed, the quickly rotted. I think if they stay damp but not wet on repot you can't miss no matter what you do to them :-)
I'm so happy you like it! They are one of my favorites honestly. I do have to confess that I accomplished a 1st and 2nd-time event within the span of a few weeks. I managed to kill 2 really nice ones. Both had nearly 3" trunks. I did not know you could push them too hard. I believe they stayed too wet prior to new leaves popping and if new roots formed, the quickly rotted. I think if they stay damp but not wet on repot you can't miss no matter what you do to them :)
I really like it.
I will make sure I don't over water when I repot next year. I have been watering daily now but the temps have been 90+ so usually by the time I get home from work it is pretty much damp but more on the dry side.
I had a few storms here and was afraid that the flowers won't make it. They are pretty strong.
I took this picture last night.
My spouse loves Loves LOVES these trees! We planted on in the flower bed of our former sticks and bricks house. When we got it it was only 3' tall. When we sold the house two years later it was about 6 to 7 feet tall.

I didn't know these could be made into bonsai. May have to give it a try.
My spouse loves Loves LOVES these trees! We planted on in the flower bed of our former sticks and bricks house. When we got it it was only 3' tall. When we sold the house two years later it was about 6 to 7 feet tall.

I didn't know these could be made into bonsai. May have to give it a try.

Maybe the best tree available for hot climates.
A seedling from one of my mature landscape vitex came up in a planting bed. I cut it off at the ground in the spring, and now it is 18" tall and about to bloom. Would fall be a good time to collect and pot it for development as bonsai? I've never tried pot culture with these, but I've used them in landscapes for decades.
A seedling from one of my mature landscape vitex came up in a planting bed. I cut it off at the ground in the spring, and now it is 18" tall and about to bloom. Would fall be a good time to collect and pot it for development as bonsai? I've never tried pot culture with these, but I've used them in landscapes for decades.
collect them whenever, they transplant really well
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