This is a dope thinker.
Channel that inner
@DavidBrasil !
I can't find a trunk to delete that will leave it interesting.
As there is five now.
Keep coming back to this view.
Cuz while the opposite side can utilize this light blue trunk well for depth, it leaves those others dotted straight evenly across the front, leaving the situation where there isn't an easy option for deletion.
So I like this front.
(But have you dug for a different flare?)
So the blue ones are pretty obviously different sizes.
From left to right.
The middle keeper for its slight size difference, and greatest interest of the three.
And the right, what I call the, "drunk uncle trunk", or the "truncle"! Which makes this 6 trunk, which is absolutely fine because the truncle is allowed to break all the rules!
So all you must do then is exploit what differences the other trunks have, and prune to create more.
Leave 3-4 larger branches on the purple one to allow it to dominate, as it already will towering over your smallest tree. Be sure to leave leftward moving branches, upward, and slightly right.
Leave 2-3 on the orange. Also high movement left, low movement right.
Leave 1-3 on the yellow, favoring much heavier rightward movement.
And break some rules with the drunk uncle trunk to fill out that side.
Them red lines aren't pruning spots, but a valid height to end each canopy.
I think you can build plenty of interest to make this a legit clump.
Exploit the obvious differences of the blue trunks.
And treat the three taller ones as they ARE.
The dominating force behind the whole scene.
With subtle differences that will age.
Fun one.