Vinny T’s Juniper Procumbens #1

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Northeast Connecticut, USA
Hey, all. I’ve got an up and coming Juniper procumbens, and this will be my log for it!

I got the tree a few months ago from the garden of local grower and bonsai artist, Rex Mark. This tree has sat in his garden for around 20 years. I’m not sure it’s been repotted during that 20 year stretch.

Rex keeps a lot of beginner stock and lets people practice if they come visit. I think this was one of the practice trees. It looks like it was styled a few years ago and mostly neglected since.


I took the tree to a workshop with Doug Taylor last month and we cut a lot, wired the tree, and styled.


I have been keeping my eye open for an unglazed, reddish clay, round, semi cascade pot… and at Nationals this weekend I found the exact perfect one.


This pot is from Pedro Morales and, in my opinion, is just right for the future of this tree.


I went out and held it up to check. Definitely love it.

It may take a couple years to get the tree into that pot. I’m not sure how much soil to remove and roots to reduce at a time. But I’ll get some guidance and figure it out. I imagine I’ll have to slowly downsize rather than just get it in the pot.

I’ll update this as the tree progresses.

Thanks for following along and please share and thoughts, comments, and critiques. 😁
Good start … tilt the apex forward more so it’s actually above the cascading branch which could also be bent to the right a bit to have the face facing the front … bend the apex branch forward a bit as well. Jin that small branch use pliers to take off cambium then wire in place

Just my 2 c
View attachment 508261
Good start … tilt the apex forward more so it’s actually above the cascading branch which could also be bent to the right a bit to have the face facing the front … bend the apex branch forward a bit as well. Jin that small branch use pliers to take off cambium then wire in place

Just my 2 c
Hey, man! Thanks for the ideas here!

Do the new pics I just posted above change your idea at all? I feel like the original head on pics obscure the back branch too much.
I repotted this for the first time on Monday, finally getting it out of the potting soil it’s been in for the last decade. Some big gnarly roots prevented me from placing the tree exactly how I wanted it, but in a couple years when I grow more fine roots, I’ll be able to take the big ones off.

It’s messy and needs some wire.


I agree with removing the lowest side branch on the inside curve of the trunk.
Also agree with removing or reducing the deadwood.

I don't agree with creating two distinct foliage pads. There is no harmony in 2. It makes the tree look pom pom and two dimensional.
I'd try to develop the younger shoots into new, smaller pads in locations all around the existing folaiage.
This will create scale, depth and dimension to the design.
For reference: look how many separate pads this specimen has.
You want this effect, even in the smallest of trees. Same principles, but smaller scale.
Think small!
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