Unwanted Mikawa Yatsubusa branches left on the table .


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SW WA, USA, zone 8a
At a recent bonsai club meeting, one of the people had brought in a Mikawa Yatsubusa from the nursery and proceeded to whack it into shape, leaving this "unwanted" branch on the table (and others not so big). So I claimed them, took home and potted.

This branch I'm hoping will root as much as it's spitting out leaves. I'm leaving it to grow sitting on the bench outside in the weather, (it didn't fit in the terrarium). Other branches, I did place in the terrarium.

First question:
Which is better or more likely to root with M.Y. maple? Outside in the weather or in a warm humid terrarium, (more climate controlled environment)?

Second Question:
What the heck are the little things that look like blooms on this plant. Are they simply blooms? By googling M.Y. I haven't been able to get a view other than a leafed out plant.
Those are flower buds.

If that is simply a cutting stuck in soil that is leafing out, you better get that thing in a plastic bag or other enclosure, or those leaves will dessicate and there will be no chance of success. Remember there are no roots, so only limited moisture will be able to get into the cutting. You will have to keep the humidity very high to have any chance (and it will be a very small chance). Right now it is pushing leaves based on stored energy.
Yes japanese maples tease you with cuttings. They push out leaves shortly after planting, and get you excited..however no roots have formed.
I should mention, maybe this goes without saying...but don't put it in full sun if you put it in a bag. Bright light, maybe some morning sun, but not too much or you'll cook it. Also, open the bag periodically for some air exchange. A spray of fungicide would probably not be a bad idea if you have any.
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