Underdogs corkscrew willow (Salix matsudana) winter games

Cool! I've been toying with the idea of rooting some parts of the one that's growing in my yard. What time of year did you start the rooting?
I'm not LOL
This is for the contest ending late may. I'm growing it this way to look windswept by this deadline.
I set it upright and water at night and tilt by day:)
It will remain potted as in post 2 only I'm repossessing the pot I bought for my Azalea after the contest and this crazy thing goes in a pond basket and back into the pond like last year. Water whores...
Growing like the weed it is. I've since removed the wire.IMG_20180519_113820028.jpgIMG_20180519_113955505.jpgIMG_20180519_114019826.jpgIMG_20180519_114031619.jpg
Nice, just don't get too attached to your design. Lots of dieback on these, especially when branches are bent down. She's an upwardly mobile tree, as you can see. Even when bent down all the growth is upright. You will be fighting this habit forever and then boom! Half the branches die and you get to start all over again. That's been my experience with this tree anyway. Bad tree, bad tree! Great in the landscape, but uncooperative in the pot. Give it a couple of years and see. I have quit working with them, though I still have three growing, I have opted for other willows instead.
I agree. This was a short term project for a short term contest. :)
Lots of dieback on these, especially when branches are bent down. She's an upwardly mobile tree, as you can see. Even when bent down all the growth is upright. You will be fighting this habit forever and then boom! Half the branches die and you get to start all over again.

I agree. This was a short term project for a short term contest. :)

Pretty certain I mentioned in conversation some time ago on the site that Potted all Willows rarely suffer die back IF well protected from the wind and watered properly during Winter and early Spring...

Good growing, and nice work!

Thanks grimmy. Great trees to learn on for a rookie IMO. Super fast growers allowing itchy fingers lots of pruning and wire play. Root so easy you can kill off a few and not feel so bad.
Needs cleaned up. Lots of die back which is pretty common w/these.IMG_20180919_120446933.jpgIMG_20180919_120521562.jpg
Been updating all my old threads, for better or worse. This crazy thing has hung on thru total neglect and survives. It deserves a little more love this year but really has no future I can see. For better or worse I threw a couple wires on and back into the pond. I'll get it a repot asap just because.
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