Two sweet gum liquidambar


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Cincinnati oh
just collected two liquidambers today first time I've collected this kind of tree. Not knowing how much dieback may end up with I left both of them on the long side. I'm also trying something new also with the pond basket on the small one and napa oil dry in the big one guess these guys are an experiment in a lot of ways. image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg
They backbud easily, but large cuts are very difficult to heal from what I've experienced. I find them difficult to shape as bonsai, but I have a big one that I keep if only for its colours in autumn...
They backbud easily, but large cuts are very difficult to heal from what I've experienced. I find them difficult to shape as bonsai, but I have a big one that I keep if only for its colours in autumn...
Thanks Alain good to hear about the backbudding. I've read they can make a decent bonsai and since I have some around thought I'd give it a shot. The big one is a little beat up since it was growing in a fence. Had to cut the wire to even get it out which is still in the trunk. Like you said though even if I can't make much out of them the colors in the fall will be nice.
Yours seem to be rather large, especially the second one, which I think is a good thing: though when they ramify the leaves can be reduced, they're still much larger than most species used for bonsai.
Make them big!
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