Trying to identify a few tropicals, pics inside!

Was at a local nursery that has pre-bonsai material, just wondering if you all can help me identify a few I had my eye on. Thanks in advance

Third one...


#3 is 100% Gmelina Philippensis maybe my favorite tree I love them. It is Chlorotic and needs to be acidified. Some elemental sulfur sprinkled on the top will do the trick for acidifying it. Then you need to get it some food with trace minerals.
The first two look like some kind of ficus

Thanks, I was thinking that they might be. I'll head down that path.

#3 is 100% Gmelina Philippensis maybe my favorite tree I love them

Nice! It isn't mine (yet) but when I get it I'll be sure to give it the care you mentioned, thank you.
Curious, did the nursery owner not know what pre-bonsai they had for sale? Kindof easy ones here
Curious, did the nursery owner not know what pre-bonsai they had for sale? Kindof easy ones here

It's Jim Smith's old place. The doors are still open but the employee that runs the place, while a hard worker, doesn't know the trees very well at this point.
It's Jim Smith's old place. The doors are still open but the employee that runs the place, while a hard worker, doesn't know the trees very well at this point.

Thanks for the info... What do they have there besides what you asked about? I need to get there one day, it's a 1 hr drive nothing terrible. I'm told they are a place for big trunked portulacarias of course, but unsure what they actually have
I'm told they are a place for big trunked portulacarias of course, but unsure what they actually have

They do have some nice portulacarias with some decent trunk sizes, some bougainvilleas, lots of ficus, some Texas ebony, scheffleras and some other things. It's worth a trip over, the prices are right and the people are nice. Greg (his son) is there as well as a nice girl that has been cleaning the place up...It's about 5 minutes from my house so it's dangerous for me.:D

The hours are M/W/F 9:00-1:00 I think at this point.
Is lettuce a tree? Also what kind of lettuce are you referring to?


You said,
americanelmer said:
To test for Ficus break off a leaf. If white sap comes out it is a Ficus, otherwise, it is something else.

Sorry, you could not be more wrong if you tried, Milky sap does NOT mean ficus... There literally thousands of other things that have milky sap lettuce being one (I was being a little sarcastic for fun). Here are but a few:

Genus: Calotropis
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Genus: Carica
Genus: Vasconcellea
Genus: Nerium
Genus: Trachelospermum

There are many more as well.
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