Trunk chopping japanese maple


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I got this maple last autumn and removed 3 other branches similar to the 2 remaining. The buds are swelling on what remains and has just been re-potted after removing the deeper roots. My question is should I also take the tops off now to encourage back budding for new branches or let it regain some strength first. It's by far the biggest tree I have and would hate to kill it off by being too enthusiastic so any advice would be great. I'm in the westcountry UK if that helps. Thanks for any input20220314_080122.jpg
The tree appears to be strong and healthy.
I frequently repot and hard prune JM in one operation. They don't seem to mind having both done so I think it would be OK for you too.
Auxins from higher growth suppresses new growth lower down so you should get better back budding down low if you chop all high branches.
Welcome to Crazy!

Sounds you've done enough already!

I reckon you've removed enough % off the top from the right places for this to trunk bud, I don't see more chopping convincing it any further.

I'd go ahead and chop those long useless branches off before they finish budding out. Either hurry up and do it, or wait til early May-ish.
Thanks for the advice. I've chopped the lower branch off as it has a couple of buds at the base anyway and removed the top of the leader. Fingers crossed!
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