Hello everyone, New to the community here (although I have been browsing posts for a little over a month now) and just got back into Bonsai myself. I’m 30 years old and the last time I had my hands on a Bonsai tree was a good 10-15 years ago. I had actually taken some courses in Bonsai at a very nice facility in Maryland but I was a teenager back then and I’m sure I wasn’t soaking up the information I should. I believe I made it into the advanced classes but again, with my maturity level back then I never appreciated the opportunity I had in front of me… I had about 3-5 successful bonsai’s before I moved off to sunny south florida for college. I had brought 2 of my junipers down to Florida and unfortunately they never made it past the first year down here. It was most likely my fault-lack of care but we’re all young once. I still regret losing those wonderful specimens. Due to… well let’s just say some very unfortunate circumstances, I have recently been inspired to pick back up this wonderful hobby. I have been reading and reading to refresh my memory and I think I’m in a good spot to jump back into things.
So here is my question. Well I have a bunch but let’s start with one.
As I mentioned above I had about 3-5 successful Bonsai’s, one of which is in question now. I had been given a wonderful gift of , I believe…, a tropical Mimosa bonsai tree. (see picture below). Now after I moved away to college (2000) my mother had been keeping an eye on the plant but refused to ever trim it. So the once a year I would come home I would give it a slight pruning but as you can see from the picture below it’s lost some of it’s “bonsai” appeal. My question is what do I do with the tree now. It was a good 15-30 years old when I got it putting its current age around let’s say 30-45 years old. The base trunk is amazing with a lot of detail but as my Green Thumbed mother just let it grow wild, you can see it has just sprouted upright. I guess I am looking for some trimming suggestions. It has also NEVER been re-potted since I first got it. If I lop off the top growth and bring it back down to the main trunk will it survive? I need some help to bring this tree back to it’s “Bonsai” form but I guess I would still consider myself a beginner due to time spent away from this hobby.
Thanks in advance for all the help/advice.
So here is my question. Well I have a bunch but let’s start with one.
As I mentioned above I had about 3-5 successful Bonsai’s, one of which is in question now. I had been given a wonderful gift of , I believe…, a tropical Mimosa bonsai tree. (see picture below). Now after I moved away to college (2000) my mother had been keeping an eye on the plant but refused to ever trim it. So the once a year I would come home I would give it a slight pruning but as you can see from the picture below it’s lost some of it’s “bonsai” appeal. My question is what do I do with the tree now. It was a good 15-30 years old when I got it putting its current age around let’s say 30-45 years old. The base trunk is amazing with a lot of detail but as my Green Thumbed mother just let it grow wild, you can see it has just sprouted upright. I guess I am looking for some trimming suggestions. It has also NEVER been re-potted since I first got it. If I lop off the top growth and bring it back down to the main trunk will it survive? I need some help to bring this tree back to it’s “Bonsai” form but I guess I would still consider myself a beginner due to time spent away from this hobby.
Thanks in advance for all the help/advice.