Trident Maple Scale - Foliage Changing


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Hi all. I’ve been following a number of your threads for quite a while, so thanks for all the help you’ve already shared.

I live in Georgia and have a Trident Maple that’s been battling scale for most of the summer. I’d done the rubbing alcohol, q-tip, then fungicidal soap and neem oil treatments at different intervals, and thought I’d gotten rid of all of them…

The foliage on this one just started changing and I noticed some spots that are part of another scale outbreak. I’ve removed the leaves with the most visible scale on them. Has anyone treated scale mid-color change and how has that affected the leaves changing? The fall colors are one of my favorite parts of caring for Tridents, so is it best to wait for this one to go dormant before another thorough insecticidal soap treatment, or what would you recommend?


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Since you have tried several topical insecticides without success, try a systemic insecticide that lists scale as a controlled pest. I use Bayer Protect and Feed. Since sap flow is slowing down, use the systemic right now, then do another round of topical insecticide after the leaves fall. You may need to retreat in the spring.
You could also try a higher concentration lime sulphur after all of the leaves drop. Vintners have been using it to effectively control both insects and fungi for centuries. I'm gonna give it a try myself to treat a mulberry that was riddled with scale earlier this year.
Thank you both. Planning to start with the systemic and will revisit the lime sulphur next year if necessary.
You can use lime sulphur when trees are dormant. This is common procedure among many of us.

Vintners use very low concentrations of lime sulphur on the leaves of their vines to combat powdery mildew, etc. I'm hesitant to try that on my potted trees, but it's interesting that it can be done.
Hi all. I’ve been following a number of your threads for quite a while, so thanks for all the help you’ve already shared.

I live in Georgia and have a Trident Maple that’s been battling scale for most of the summer. I’d done the rubbing alcohol, q-tip, then fungicidal soap and neem oil treatments at different intervals, and thought I’d gotten rid of all of them…

The foliage on this one just started changing and I noticed some spots that are part of another scale outbreak. I’ve removed the leaves with the most visible scale on them. Has anyone treated scale mid-color change and how has that affected the leaves changing? The fall colors are one of my favorite parts of caring for Tridents, so is it best to wait for this one to go dormant before another thorough insecticidal soap treatment, or what would you recommend?
You must have superscale. A few spritzes of neem at the appropriate concentration, and my scale infestations collapse like a souffle in an 80s comedy sitcom.
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