Trident maple sad?


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Hello experts, I bought this starter Trident maple in January.

It is still early spring where I live this year, winter has been hesitant to loose its grip.

I repotted in March since I have a heated greenhouse. This tree showed green buds already then. But it has been slow to grow after that.

Japanese maples are now growing like crazy but this Trident is looking sad and growing slowly in comparison.

Any cause for concern? Place in full shade? I am already taking care not to let it get over watered. And it currently has morning sun only.
The leaves and shoots look fine. It appears to have had a lot of recent work so maybe it is just recovering from all that an the recent repot.
Morning sun should be enough for it. Don't go too far withholding watering but as long as the new shoots are standing up it will be enough. You are already feeding so nutrient should not be an issue.
I can't think of anything else that might cause slow growth in tridents.
This tree looks fine. New leaves on Tridents tend to sag a bit. The leaves will firm up as they mature.
Just a question…what is all the foil for? Hopefully tree pulls through for you.
Just a question…what is all the foil for? Hopefully tree pulls through for you.
That’s a good question. Add grey putty to the question too. It looks like a lot of grafting going on I suspect.

The leaves look normal for new growth. My Field Maple Acer Campestre leaves look the same in the early growth stage.

The putty and foil are just to protect previously (not by me) created wounds, seller told me to protect.
what is all the foil for?
Per meriggioli- it is “an excellent solution (for larger wounds) is the use of adhesive aluminum tape, which favors the production of the callus, that is to its physical response to sunlight, as well as ensuring water cannot penetrate the duramen through the open wound”.
Looks like a vigorous response for sure. Did the seller say how old it is?
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