Trident Maple Root-Over-Rock - 6+ Years In the Ground

Woe...and THAT'S how it's done! In ground root over rock...never heard it done in ground...but it makes sense that it would produce great results. Thanks for sharing! Please update this when its uncovered so we can see everything.
Will + shovel.....
Will + saw......
Will + rock.....
× time.....

A lot of badass shit!

Love the trunk in the second pic.

Killer angle!

This post of yours Will...has inspired me. I have a lilac I am contemplating ROR. My intentions this to do it in ground. And leave it there...I'm still uncertain about it. So this will be great. If I like the years under its belt in ground I can bring it into a pot...OR...just leave as is if it's lost my inspiration. It was a tree purchased when my eyes were new on bonsai and I didn't grasp now all material should be bonsai. So...worse case I get new landscape matieral that looks cool.
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