Trident Maple Repot Question


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Lincoln, RI
Hi all,

Ive attached some images of my trident maple. It was left outside on a porch, so no direct snow during the winter, but definitely plenty of freezing temperatures. While all my Japanese maples were waking up, the Trident was delayed, and I grew concerned.

Just this week, maybe within a few days, the buds have started to swell, and in a few choice spots small leaves are out. Yay! When consulting a bonsai nursery near me, the advised that I not do anything to the tree as it may be a bit stressed (Is budding out in late May common for Tridents? Does this tree look stressed to you, or is a late bud-out sometimes common?)

I wanted to get some thoughts from the community here. Should I do any work on this tree this growing season? Or should I just let it rip in this grow container another year and work the roots proper next year.

I live in a zone 6a area.


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Tridents can handle some cold temps, but don't love prolonged freezing.

Find a cold room or garage next winter to keep just above the freeze.

I'd still repot the thing though.
If you went to a bonsai nursery with the tree.. Do you feel that nursery knows what they are doing? If so, follow their advice.
We do not have the tree in front of us.

That being said.. I would repot a tree that has a full compact rootball such as you have there. If you do repot, make sure you plant it deep enough.
I live in Massachusetts and likely further from the ocean than you (so, a little colder), and my tridents tend to bud out in late march. But, I keep my trees in a garage and not outside. Still, budding in May feels late. Where did you take it? NEB?
I leave some trident maple projects outside here in zone six Michigan all winter long, probably frozen for most of December January February And part of March. They do fine and start breaking dormancy in mid April. The more refined trident Maples that I keep in my cold room through the winter may start pushing in mid to late March. I used to keep tridents on a three season porch in Massachusetts Many years ago. That never fared well because the temperatures in there were almost always above freezing during the day, but fell below freezing at night, and I suspect the trees broke dormancy in February, roots became active, and then froze solid. I suspect your tree may have suffered similar damage, but wasn’t killed out right
May seems late for a trident to be leafing out now, but I would probably repot as well. Tridents tend to be tough.
Thanks for your input everyone. I decided to go for it and do a repot with a bit of root pruning. Nothing too extensive. The rootball was indeed a tangled mess, so I think it did help to get all the long roots trimmed and going radially now. Got it in some good soil and watered thoroughly. Not going to prune the tree itself.

I'll insulate from winter freezes better this year. Hopefully this new growth continues to push out!
I live in Massachusetts and likely further from the ocean than you (so, a little colder), and my tridents tend to bud out in late march. But, I keep my trees in a garage and not outside. Still, budding in May feels late. Where did you take it? NEB?
Yeah I took it to NEB, just had a short chat about it. I have the luxury of living only about 15 minutes away from them
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